html - SVG: Drop Shadow Colour / Inset Shadow with Colour -

i know how change shadow colour specified rgb or hex value on svg shape.

and how convert inset shadow , drop shadow similar css3 box shadow function.

<svg width="200" height="200" style="overflow: visible"> <defs> <filter id="boxshadow"> <feoffset result="offout" in="sourcegraphic" dx="20" dy="20" /> <fegaussianblur result="blurout" in="offout" stddeviation="50" /> <feblend in="sourcegraphic" in2="blurout" mode="normal" /> </filter> </defs> <polygon filter="url(#boxshadow)" style="fill:yellow;stroke:blue;stroke-width:8" points="32,0 160,0 192,101 160,202 32,202 0,101" /> </svg> 


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