VB.net COMExeption was unhandled -

i creating user login system using vb.net , ms access. unsure going wrong system , receive error message "item cannot found in collection corresponding requested name or ordinal" error coming in section "user.find(username)" on first line of loop. here code:

public class login  dim loginerror string ' tell user wrong login  public function login()     dim dbconn new adodb.connection ' how tell visual studio      'how connect our database       dim user new adodb.recordset 'we pass our argument through our recordset      dim username string 'this our "query"     dim struserdb string 'this sets email field in our database.     dim strpassdb string 'same above password      dim blnuserfound boolean 'i using "do" loop use      'this condition      dbconn.open("provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & _                  "data source = '" & application.startuppath & "\userdetails2000.mdb'")     'the inverted comas in dataouce statement itt keeps location of      'file 1 string.      user.open("tbluserdetails", dbconn, adodb.cursortypeenum.adopenstatic, adodb.locktypeenum.adlockoptimistic)     'this table           'this connection         'these settings      blnuserfound = false     login = false     username = "user = '" & txtemail.text & "'" 'this tells database find email field      'equivilent entered in textbox              user.find(username) 'this full statement sends 'query' record set         if user.bof = false , user.eof = false             'bof = begining of file, eof = end of file, tests whether database has              'reached sentinal value, if hasent username has been found, if has,             'the username has been found.              struserdb = user.fields("email").value.tostring             '"email" table field. setting struserdb username field of table             strpassdb = user.fields("password").value.tostring              if struserdb <> txtemail.text                 user.movenext()                 'this if statement handles different case usernames, example, admin , admin                 'we use if statement differentiate between different case letters             else                 blnuserfound = true                 if strpassdb = txtpassword.text                     user.close()                     dbconn.close()                     return true                 else                     loginerror = "invalid password"                     user.close()                     dbconn.close()                     return false                 end if             end if         else             loginerror = "invalid username"             user.close()             dbconn.close()             return false          end if     loop until blnuserfound = true     loginerror = "invalid username"     user.close()     dbconn.close()     return false   end function  private sub btnlogin_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles btnlogin.click     if login() = true         messagebox.show("login succesful", "login status")     else         messagebox.show(loginerror, "login status")     end if end sub 

end class

verify tbluserdetails contains column named user.

maybe user reserved keyword in access try setting username as:

username = "[user] = '" & txtemail.text & "'" 


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