multithreading - Python Tkinter: Reading Serial Values -
i read serial values tkinter gui. either text window or text label widget updates every second or so. issue having queue class. error getting is: attributeerror: 'applcation' object has no attribute 'queue'
here code:
#!/usr/bin/env python tkinter import * tkinter import messagebox time import sleep import picamera import os import serial import sys import rpi.gpio gpio import _thread import threading import random import queue # setup gpio pin(s) gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) gpio.setwarnings(false) gpio.setup(18, gpio.out) gpio.output(18, false) #============================================================== # declaration of constants # none used #============================================================== class serialthread(threading.thread): def __init__(self, queue): threading.thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue.queue() def read_sensor_values(self): ser = serial.serial('/dev/ttyusb0', 9600) while true: if ser.inwaiting: text = ser.readline(s.inwaiting) self.queue.put(text) self.pressures_txt.insert(0.0,values) class application(frame): """ gui application taking photos. """ def __init__(self, master): super(application, self).__init__(master) self.grid() self.create_widgets() self.setup_camera() def create_widgets(self): checkbutton( self, text = "read pressure values", variable = self.mode2, command = self.process_serial, bg = 'white').grid(row = 4, column = 0, sticky = w+e+n+s) # create text field display pressure values arduino self.pressures_txt = text(self, height = 3, wrap = word) self.pressures_txt.grid(row=9, column = 0, columnspan =3) def process_serial(self): #self.text.delete(1.0, end) while self.queue.qsize(): try: self.text.insert(end, self.queue.get()) self.pressures_txt.insert(0.0, self.queue.get()) except queue.empty: pass self.after('1000', self.process_serial) #................. end of method: read_sensor_values ................ #================================================================= # main #================================================================= root = tk() # create gui root object root.title("control v1.0") app = application(root) # create root application window root.mainloop()
the code have posted abbreviated version of entire program. have removed sections supposedly irrelevant. running in python3. suspect may have error in indentation not certain.
i using code following link serial reading class:
the problem self.queue
in read_sensor_values
belongs serialthread
object. when self.queue
in process_serial
method of application
object, refers non-existent queue
attribute of application
object. perhaps ought make serialthread
object attribute of application
object. process_serial
refer self.serial.queue
or whatever name it.
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