javascript - Covert pure angular to ecma6 plus angular -

i want build dynamic controllers in eccma script code.i'll show example angular code.but couldn't understand how implement in eccma6.

let module = 'app.core.checka';     class windowviewer{         constructor() {      this.restrict = 'e';             this.template = ` < button ng - click = "sendmsg()" > 85855 < /button><div ng-model="ngmodel" kendo-window="windowid" k-title="'ajax content'"             k - width = "'90%'" k - height = "'90%'" k - visible = "false" k - draggable = "false"             k - max - height = "'100%'" k - max - width = "'100%'" k - position = "{top: '10px', bottom: '100px', left: '5%', right: '5%'}"             k - position - left = "'5%'"             k - pinned = "true"  k - actions = '[ "minimize", "maximize" ,"close", "refresh"]'             k - content = "{url: '{{ content }}' }"             k - on - open = "win2visible = true" k - on - close = "win2visible = false" > < /div>`;              this.controller = '@';    = 'controllername';             this.scope = {             ngmodel: '=',                     content: '=',                     windowid: '=',                     minimize: '=',             }      }       link(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {     console.log(scope);             if (angular.isdefined(scope.ratio)) {                 let ratio = scope.ratio.split(':');                 scope.offset = ratio[0];                 scope.inputwidth = ratio[1];             }      }      static directivefactory() {             windowviewer.instance = new windowviewer();             return windowviewer.instance;     }      static callme(){       alert(884855);     }  }     angular.module(module, [])     .directive('windowviewer', windowviewer.directivefactory);       export default module; 


i want add controllers following eccmascript 6 code.if 1 can appreciate , great help.
angular code.

  var app = angular.module('myapp',[]).   directive('communicator', function(){        return {        restrict : 'e',        scope:{},        template:"<input type='text' ng-model='message'/><input type='button'                 value='send message' ng-click='sendmsg()'><br/>",        controller : "@",        name:"controllername"         }         }).      controller("phonectrl",function($scope){      $scope.sendmsg = function(){      alert( $scope.message + " : sending message via phone ctrl");    }    }).     controller("landlinectrl",function($scope){     $scope.sendmsg = function(){     alert( $scope.message + " : sending message via land line ctrl ");  }  }) 

please me add above eccma6 class.i know expert.


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