Notice: Undefined variable: i -


i have problem wits code. u me? search ethernet don't found same example. below error code:

notice: undefined variable: in /reklamacje/index.php on line 72

the problem / error line - $i=$i+1;

i know need isset option.. or else ?

more code:

foreach ($dbo->query($query) $row) { $m=$i%2; // required alternate color of rows matching style class  $i=$i+1;   //  increment alternate color of rows echo "<tr>";         echo "<td>".$row['od_firma']."</td>";                 echo "<td>".$row['nr_narzedzia']."</td>";                 echo "<td>".$row['nr_faktury']."</td>";                 echo "<td>".$row['data_przyjecia']."</td>";                 echo "<td>".$row['data_wyslania']."</td>";                 echo "<td>".$row['opis_rek']."</td>";                 echo "<td>".$row['kto_rozpatrzyl']."</td>";                 echo "<td><a href=\"index.php?a=dodaj&amp;id={$row['id']}\">dodaj</a></td>";         echo "<td><a href=\"index.php?a=edit&amp;id={$row['id']}\">edytuj</a></td>";                 echo "<td><a href=\"index.php?a=del&amp;id={$row['id']}\">usuĊ„</a></td>";          echo "</tr>";     }     echo "</table><br><br>"; ////////////////////////////// end of displaying table records ////////////////////////  ///////////////////////////////  if($nume > $limit ){ // let display bottom links if sufficient records there paging  /////////////// start bottom links prev , next link page numbers ///////////////// echo "<table align = 'center' width='50%'><tr><td  align='left' width='30%'>"; //// if our variable $back equal 0 or more display link move //////// if($back >=0) {  print "<a href='$page_name?start=$back'><font face='verdana' size='2'>prev</font></a>";  }  //////////////// let display page links @  center. not display current page link /////////// echo "</td><td align=center width='30%'>"; $i=0; $l=1; for($i=0;$i < $nume;$i=$i+$limit){ if($i <> $eu){ echo " <a href='$page_name?start=$i'><font face='verdana' size='2'>$l</font></a> "; } else { echo "<font face='verdana' size='4' color=red>$l</font>";}        /// current page not displayed link , given font color red $l=$l+1; }   echo "</td><td  align='right' width='30%'>"; ///////////// if not in last page next link displayed. here check ///// if($this1 < $nume) {  print "<a href='$page_name?start=$next'><font face='verdana' size='2'>next</font></a>";}  echo "</td></tr></table>";  // end of if checking sufficient records there display bottom navigational link.  } 

how change ?

greeting information.


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