plsql - "DESC TABLE_NAME" command in Oracle is not working with pl/sql block -

i using oracle 11g r2 , have been trying execute below given pl/sql procedure :-

set serveroutput on declare tablename varchar2(100) := 'table_name'; begin desc tablename;   end; / 


    set serveroutput on     declare     tablename varchar2(100) := 'table_name';     begin     execute immediate 'desc tablename';       end;     / 

i tried continuously getting error. please me. thank much

if have read access user_tab_columns view, return same. verified now.

          select            column_name "name",            nullable "null?",           concat(concat(concat(data_type,'('),data_length),')') "type"           user_tab_columns           table_name='table_name' 



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