ios - How to make kCGPathStroke work in Swift 2? -

i getting 2 errors try upgrade app swift 2.

the 2 errors are:

use of unresolved identifier 'kcgpathstroke'


cannot convert value of type 'nsmutabledictionary' expected argument type '[string : anyobject]?'

both issues commented on in code below. checked documentation , looks kcgpathstroke still exists, confused why broken. doing wrong?

import uikit import coregraphics class mibadgelabel: uilabel {     override func drawrect(rect: cgrect)     {         // drawing code         let ctx: cgcontextref = uigraphicsgetcurrentcontext()!         let borderpath: uibezierpath = uibezierpath(roundedrect: rect, byroundingcorners:uirectcorner.allcorners, cornerradii: cgsizemake(10.0, 10.0))          cgcontextsetfillcolorwithcolor(ctx, uicolor.whitecolor().cgcolor)         cgcontextsavegstate(ctx)         cgcontextaddpath(ctx, borderpath.cgpath)         cgcontextsetlinewidth(ctx, 4.0)         cgcontextsetstrokecolorwithcolor(ctx, uicolor.clearcolor().cgcolor)         cgcontextdrawpath(ctx, kcgpathstroke) //swift 2 error         cgcontextrestoregstate(ctx)          cgcontextsavegstate(ctx) //      cgcontextsetfillcolorwithcolor(ctx, uicolor.whitecolor().cgcolor)         var textframe: cgrect  = rect         let labelstring: nsstring = self.text! nsstring         let textsize: cgsize  = labelstring.sizewithattributes([nsfontattributename : uifont.systemfontofsize(13.0)])         textframe.size.height = textsize.height          textframe.origin.y = rect.origin.y + ceil((rect.size.height - textframe.size.height) / 2.0)          let paragraphstyle: nsmutableparagraphstyle = nsmutableparagraphstyle();         paragraphstyle.alignment = .center          var attributes: nsmutabledictionary = [nsfontattributename: uifont.systemfontofsize(13.0), nsforegroundcolorattributename : uicolor.whitecolor(), nsparagraphstyleattributename:paragraphstyle]          labelstring.drawinrect(textframe, withattributes: attributes)  // swift 2 error     } } 

first error:

cgcontextdrawpath(ctx, kcgpathstroke) 

like this:

cgcontextdrawpath(ctx, .stroke) 

second error:

var attributes: nsmutabledictionary = [     nsfontattributename: uifont.systemfontofsize(13.0),      nsforegroundcolorattributename : uicolor.whitecolor(),      nsparagraphstyleattributename:paragraphstyle ] 

like this:

let attributes = [     nsfontattributename: uifont.systemfontofsize(13.0),      nsforegroundcolorattributename : uicolor.whitecolor(),      nsparagraphstyleattributename:paragraphstyle ] 


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