java - Exception while downloading URL in google maps -

part of application has map should display place in map when entered in auto filled text view.

i able handle exception map not displaying correct place, log cat shows message saying "exception while downloading url".i not sure problem is.


public class autocomplete extends fragmentactivity {     autocompletetextview atvplaces;     downloadtask placesdownloadtask;     downloadtask placedetailsdownloadtask;     parsertask placesparsertask;     parsertask placedetailsparsertask;     googlemap googlemap;      final int places=0;     final int places_details=1;      @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_autocomplete); // getting reference autocompletetextview         atvplaces = (autocompletetextview) findviewbyid(;         atvplaces.setthreshold(1);  // adding textchange listener         atvplaces.addtextchangedlistener(new textwatcher() {              @override             public void ontextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int before, int count) { // creating downloadtask download google places matching "s"                 placesdownloadtask = new downloadtask(places);  // getting url google places autocomplete api                 string url = getautocompleteurl(s.tostring());  // start downloading google places // causes execute doinbackground() of downloadtask class                 placesdownloadtask.execute(url);             }              @override             public void beforetextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int count,                                           int after) { // todo auto-generated method stub             }              @override             public void aftertextchanged(editable s) { // todo auto-generated method stub             }         });  // setting item click listener autocompletetextview dropdown list         atvplaces.setonitemclicklistener(new adapterview.onitemclicklistener() {             @override             public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> arg0, view arg1, int index,                                     long id) {                  listview lv = (listview) arg0;                 simpleadapter adapter = (simpleadapter) arg0.getadapter();                  hashmap<string, string> hm = (hashmap<string, string>) adapter.getitem(index);  // creating downloadtask download places details of selected place                 placedetailsdownloadtask = new downloadtask(places_details);  // getting url google places details api                 string url = getplacedetailsurl(hm.get("reference"));  // start downloading google place details // causes execute doinbackground() of downloadtask class                 placedetailsdownloadtask.execute(url);              }         });     }      private string getautocompleteurl(string place){  // obtain browser key         string key = "key=aizasycfdxatlz7jtm6mevy9xh_3_g_ivc5ysxe";  // place be searched         string input = "input="+place;  // place type searched         string types = "types=geocode";  // sensor enabled         string sensor = "sensor=false";  // building parameters web service         string parameters = input+"&"+types+"&"+sensor+"&"+key;  // output format         string output = "json";  // building url web service         string url = ""+output+"?"+parameters;          return url;     }      private string getplacedetailsurl(string ref){  // obtain browser key         string key = "key=your_api_key";  // reference of place         string reference = "reference="+ref;  // sensor enabled         string sensor = "sensor=false";  // building parameters web service         string parameters = reference+"&"+sensor+"&"+key;  // output format         string output = "json";  // building url web service         string url = ""+output+"?"+parameters;          return url;     }      /** method download json data url */     private string downloadurl(string strurl) throws ioexception {         string data = "";         inputstream istream = null;         httpurlconnection urlconnection = null;         try{             url url = new url(strurl);   // creating http connection communicate url             urlconnection = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();  // connecting url             urlconnection.connect();  // reading data url             istream = urlconnection.getinputstream();              bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(istream));              stringbuffer sb = new stringbuffer();              string line = "";             while( ( line = br.readline()) != null){                 sb.append(line);             }              data = sb.tostring();              br.close();          }catch(exception e){             log.d("exception while downloading url", e.tostring());         }finally{             istream.close();             urlconnection.disconnect();         }         return data;     }      // fetches data url passed     private class downloadtask extends asynctask<string, void, string>{          private int downloadtype=0;          // constructor         public downloadtask(int type){             this.downloadtype = type;         }          @override         protected string doinbackground(string... url) {  // storing data web service             string data = "";              try{ // fetching data web service                 data = downloadurl(url[0]);             }catch(exception e){                 log.d("background task",e.tostring());             }             return data;         }          @override         protected void onpostexecute(string result) {             super.onpostexecute(result);              switch(downloadtype){                 case places: // creating parsertask parsing google places                     placesparsertask = new parsertask(places);  // start parsing google places json data // causes execute doinbackground() of parsertask class                     placesparsertask.execute(result);                      break;                  case places_details : // creating parsertask parsing google places                     placedetailsparsertask = new parsertask(places_details);  // starting parsing json string // causes execute doinbackground() of parsertask class                     placedetailsparsertask.execute(result);             }         }     }      /** class parse google places in json format */     private class parsertask extends asynctask<string, integer, list<hashmap<string,string>>> {          int parsertype = 0;          public parsertask(int type){             this.parsertype = type;         }          @override         protected list<hashmap<string, string>> doinbackground(string... jsondata) {              jsonobject jobject;             list<hashmap<string, string>> list = null;              try{                 jobject = new jsonobject(jsondata[0]);                  switch(parsertype){                     case places :                         placejsonparser placejsonparser = new placejsonparser(); // getting parsed data list construct                         list = placejsonparser.parse(jobject);                         break;                     case places_details :                         placedetailsjsonparser placedetailsjsonparser = new placedetailsjsonparser(); // getting parsed data list construct                         list = placedetailsjsonparser.parse(jobject);                 }              }catch(exception e){                 log.d("exception", e.tostring());             }             return list;         }          @override         protected void onpostexecute(list<hashmap<string, string>> result) {              switch(parsertype){                 case places :                     string[] = new string[] { "description"};                     int[] = new int[] { };  // creating simpleadapter autocompletetextview                     simpleadapter adapter = new simpleadapter(getbasecontext(), result, android.r.layout.simple_list_item_1, from, to);  // setting adapter                     atvplaces.setadapter(adapter);                     break;                 case places_details :                     hashmap<string, string> hm = result.get(0);  // getting latitude parsed data                     double latitude = double.parsedouble(hm.get("lat"));  // getting longitude parsed data                     double longitude = double.parsedouble(hm.get("lng"));  // getting reference supportmapfragment of activity_main.xml                     supportmapfragment fm = (supportmapfragment) getsupportfragmentmanager().findfragmentbyid(;  // getting googlemap supportmapfragment                     googlemap = fm.getmap();                      latlng point = new latlng(latitude, longitude);                      cameraupdate cameraposition = cameraupdatefactory.newlatlng(point);                     cameraupdate camerazoom = cameraupdatefactory.zoomby(5);  // showing user input location in google map                     googlemap.movecamera(cameraposition);                     googlemap.animatecamera(camerazoom);                      markeroptions options = new markeroptions();                     options.position(point);                     options.title("position");                     options.snippet("latitude:"+latitude+",longitude:"+longitude);  // adding marker in google map                     googlemap.addmarker(options);                      break;             }         }     }      @override     public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) { // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present.         getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu);         return true;     } }

package zybo.example.ramz.map_webview;  import org.json.jsonexception; import org.json.jsonobject;  import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.hashmap; import java.util.list;   public class placedetailsjsonparser {  /** receives jsonobject , returns list */ public list<hashmap<string,string>> parse(jsonobject jobject){      double lat = double.valueof(0);     double lng = double.valueof(0);      hashmap<string, string> hm = new hashmap<string, string>();     list<hashmap<string, string>> list = new arraylist<hashmap<string,string>>();      try {         lat = (double)jobject.getjsonobject("result").getjsonobject("geometry").getjsonobject("location").get("lat");         lng = (double)jobject.getjsonobject("result").getjsonobject("geometry").getjsonobject("location").get("lng");      } catch (jsonexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }catch(exception e){         e.printstacktrace();     }      hm.put("lat", double.tostring(lat));     hm.put("lng", double.tostring(lng));      list.add(hm);      return list; } } 


 reconstruct branch:   + 62ca4eb + acd831d + 9f8b442 + e027a02 + cba30ba + 53c303a + a649d79 +  23e16f8 + 5e97da7 + cbd2a44 + 33d072a + 7aacf06 + 72b33e7 + 28f6f60 +  b4c13d8 +  nothing 09-30 14:44:58.321    2965-3120/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview    i/openglrenderer﹕ initialized egl, version 1.4 09-30 14:44:58.390    2965-3120/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview d/openglrenderer﹕ enabling debug mode 0 09-30 14:44:58.485    2965-3120/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview v/renderscript﹕ application requested cpu execution 09-30 14:44:58.498    2965-3120/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview v/renderscript﹕ 0xb82914f0 launching thread(s), cpus 4 09-30 14:45:05.291    2965-3043/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview  d/volley﹕ [8830] a.a: http response request=<[ ] 0x99e6744e normal 1>  [lifetime=7134], [size=60], [rc=200], [retrycount=0] 09-30 14:45:05.298    2965-2965/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview d/volley﹕ [1] p.b: 7147 ms: [ ] 0x99e6744e normal 1 09-30 14:45:05.712    2965-3044/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview d/volley﹕ [8831] a.a: http response request=<[ ],on_create.1,on_resume.1,init.378&irt=1581,379,399,378 0x4d844933 normal 2> [lifetime=6368], [size=0], [rc=204], [retrycount=0] 09-30 14:45:05.759    2965-2965/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview d/volley﹕ [1] p.b: 6416 ms: [ ],on_create.1,on_resume.1,init.378&irt=1581,379,399,378 0x4d844933 normal 2 09-30 14:45:14.452    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview d/exception while downloading url﹕, india&types=geocode&sensor=false&key=aizasycfdxatlz7jtm6mevy9xh_3_g_ivc5ysxe 09-30 14:45:14.459    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview d/background task﹕ java.lang.nullpointerexception: attempt invoke virtual method 'void' on null object reference 09-30 14:45:17.503    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview d/exception﹕ org.json.jsonexception: end of input @ character 0 of 09-30 14:45:17.516    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview w/system.err﹕ org.json.jsonexception: no value result 09-30 14:45:17.519    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview w/system.err﹕ @ org.json.jsonobject.get( 09-30 14:45:17.519    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview w/system.err﹕ @ org.json.jsonobject.getjsonobject( 09-30 14:45:17.520    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview w/system.err﹕ @  zybo.example.ramz.map_webview.placedetailsjsonparser.parse( 09-30 14:45:17.520    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview w/system.err﹕ @ zybo.example.ramz.map_webview.autocomplete$parsertask.doinbackground( 09-30 14:45:17.520    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview w/system.err﹕ @ zybo.example.ramz.map_webview.autocomplete$parsertask.doinbackground( 09-30 14:45:17.520    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview w/system.err﹕ @ android.os.asynctask$ 09-30 14:45:17.521    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview w/system.err﹕ @ 09-30 14:45:17.521    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview w/system.err﹕ @  android.os.asynctask$serialexecutor$ 09-30 14:45:17.521    2965-3124/zybo.example.ramz.map_webview   w/system.err﹕ @   java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor.runworker( 


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