r - RStudio Shiny: The confliction between an action button and a submit button -
in r shiny app, have action , submit button.
server <- function(input, output) { x = reactive(data.frame(x=rnorm(10),y=rpois(10,10),z=runif(10))) y = eventreactive(input$flush, { x()[,sample(1:3)] },ignorenull=false) output$distplot <- rendertable({ y() }) } ui <- fluidpage( actionbutton("flush","flush order"), submitbutton("update"), tableoutput("distplot") ) shinyapp(ui = ui, server = server)
what want: order of variables randomly changing when click action button.
what happens: have click action button first , subsequently click submit button execute.
question: how can desired behavior while keeping submit button.
there many tabs more submit buttons in app. it's desirable add action button without affecting rest of contents.
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