node.js - Remove tags without removing content -
i'm looking gulp module capable of deleting <div>
tags , closing tags, without removing content/children of said <div>
does such thing exist?
example code:
<div id="macontainer" contenteditable="true" maconstraint="item.image1 <> ''" mashowalllanguages="false"> <tr> <td class="img"> <div id="masection" contenteditable="true" maconstraint="item.url1 <> '' , item.promocode1 <> ''" mashowalllanguages="false"> <a href="~probe(101)~" title="~item.alt1~"> <img width="580" height="~item.image1height~" alt="~item.alt1~" src="~item.image1~" /> </a> </div> <div id="masection" contenteditable="true" maconstraint="item.url1 <> '' , item.promocode1 = ''" mashowalllanguages="false"> <a href="~probe(105)~" title="~item.alt1~"> <img width="580" height="~item.image1height~" alt="~item.alt1~" src="~item.image1~" /> </a> </div> <div id="masection" contenteditable="true" maconstraint="item.url1 = ''" mashowalllanguages="false"> <img width="580" height="~item.image1height~" alt="~item.alt1~" src="~item.image1~" /> </div> </td> </tr> </div>
desired code:
<tr> <td class="img"> <a href="~probe(101)~" title="~item.alt1~"> <img width="580" height="~item.image1height~" alt="~item.alt1~" src="~item.image1~" /> </a> <a href="~probe(105)~" title="~item.alt1~"> <img width="580" height="~item.image1height~" alt="~item.alt1~" src="~item.image1~" /> </a> <img width="580" height="~item.image1height~" alt="~item.alt1~" src="~item.image1~" /> </td> </tr>
you use plugins gulp-replace uses regexes:
var gulp = require('gulp'), replace = require('gulp-replace'); gulp.task('strip-tags', function() { return gulp.src('template.html') .pipe(replace(/<div.*?id=.macontainer..*>((?:.|\s)+)<\/div>/im, '$1')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); });
but regexes bit brittle kind of task imho...
you roll own "plugin" , way :
var gulp = require('gulp'), through = require('through2'), cheerio = require('cheerio'); gulp.task('strip-tags2', function() { return gulp.src('template.html') .pipe(through.obj(function(file, enc, cb) { var $ = cheerio.load(file.contents), extract = $('#macontainer').children().html(); file.contents = new buffer(extract); cb(null, file); })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); });
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