actionscript 3 - Dynamic Gallery to show download and progress bar in as3 -

my flash project has specific task show dynamic gallery items based on xml list , there download option available each gallery item.

for made movieclip (imagetile) thumbnail, title, progressbar & progresstext shown below.

enter image description here

i have 2 classes named ,

        var tilemap:dictionary = new dictionary();         public var tile:imagetile;          addchild(wall);         wallwidth = wall.width;         wallheight = wall.height;         var columns:number;         var my_x:number;         var my_y:number;         var my_thumb_width:number;         var my_thumb_height:number;         var images:xmllist;         var total:number;         var swipe:number = 0;          var myxmlloader:urlloader = new urlloader();         myxmlloader.load(new urlrequest("gallery.xml"));         myxmlloader.addeventlistener(event.complete, processxml);      function processxml(e:event):void {         myxml = new xml(;          images = myxml.image;         total = images.length();           myxmlloader.removeeventlistener(event.complete, processxml);         myxmlloader = null;           var loader:loader;         (var i:uint = 0; < total; i++) {         tile = new imagetile();         wall.addchild(tile);          tile.x = % 3 * 400 + 180;         tile.y = math.floor(i / 3) * 650 + 250;          var imagename:string = images[i].@full;         path = images[i].@path;         var title:string = images[i].@title;         **var caption:textfield = tile.getchildbyname("caption_tf") textfield;**         caption.text = title;         tile.addeventlistener(, ontileclick(path));         loader = new loader();         loader.load(new urlrequest("images/" + imagename));         tilemap[loader] = tile;         loader.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(event.complete, onimageload);     } //trace(myxml); }       var tilemap:dictionary = new dictionary();   function onimageload(e:event):void {     var loader:loader =;     var tile:imagetile = tilemap[loader] imagetile;     var image:bitmap = loader.content bitmap;     image.x = -100;     image.y = -100;     image.width=366;     image.height=418;     var textfield:displayobject = tile.getchildbyname("caption_tf");     var textfielddepth:int = tile.getchildindex(textfield);     tile.addchildat(image, textfielddepth);     tilemap[loader] = null;     image.smoothing = true; }   function ontileclick(url:string):function {      return function(me:mouseevent):void {                    path = url;         var download:fileref = new fileref();          download.downloadfile(path); } code

public var mc_loaded   : movieclip = main.gameinstance.tile.getchildbyname("mc_loaded") movieclip,            mc_progress : movieclip = main.gameinstance.tile.getchildbyname("mc_progress") movieclip,            txt_prog    : textfield = main.gameinstance.tile.getchildbyname("txt_prog") textfield;  public function downloadfile(url:string) : void         {    /// download gallery item codes using url }  public function progresshandler( event : progressevent ) : void         {                    //mc_loaded.scalex = (event.bytesloaded / event.bytestotal) ;         }          public function completehandler( event : event ) : void         {             //reset progress bar after download finished             mc_loaded.scalex = 0;  // want use imagetile element             txt_prog.text = "download finished";         }          public function onzipcomplete(         {          txt_prog.text = "download finished";         } 

the download works fine, can not progress bar , progress text every tile created.

i got answer remove ontileclick(url:string) function

function processxml(e:event):void { //// codes ///// //// codes ///// var download:filereftut = new filereftut(); tile.addeventlistener(, download.downloadfile(path)); }

public var txt_prog:textfield, mc_loaded:movieclip;   public function downloadfile(url:string):function {          return function(me:mouseevent):void {          var tile:imagetile = me.currenttarget imagetile;         txt_prog = tile.getchildbyname("txt_prog") textfield;         mc_loaded = tile.getchildbyname("mc_loaded") movieclip;      }  public function progresshandler( event : progressevent ) : void         {                    mc_loaded.scalex = (event.bytesloaded / event.bytestotal) ;         }      public function completehandler( event : event ) : void     {         //reset progress bar after download finished         mc_loaded.scalex = 0;  // want use imagetile element         txt_prog.text = "download finished";     }      public function onzipcomplete(     {      txt_prog.text = "download finished";     } 


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