php - Yii Change Password for admin -

i created change password functionality change admin password.i used this toutorial.
face problem in $model->validate().
can me??


    public function actionindex()     {         $id = 1;         $model = user::model()->findbyattributes(array('usertype' => $id));         $model->setscenario('changepwd');          if (isset($_post['user'])) {             $model->attributes = $_post['user'];             if ($model->validate()) {                 $model->password = md5($model->new_password);                 if ($model->save()) {                     yii::app()->user->setflash('success', "password changed successfully!");                 }               } else {                  yii::app()->user->setflash('error', "change password failed!");              }          }        $this->render('index', array('model' => $model));     } 


    class user extends cactiverecord {     public $old_password;     public $new_password;     public $repeat_password;     /**      * @return string associated database table name      */     public function tablename()     {         return '{{user}}';     }      /**      * @return array validation rules model attributes.      */     public function rules()     {         // note: should define rules attributes         // receive user inputs.         return array(             array('usertype, firstname, lastname, email, password, mobile, gender, dob, country, area, city, address, street, housenumber, extradirection, createdon', 'required'),             array('usertype, country, area', 'numerical', 'integeronly'=>true),             array('firstname, lastname, email, mobile, dob, city, street, housenumber', 'length', 'max'=>155),             array('password', 'length', 'max'=>225),             array('gender', 'length', 'max'=>6),             array('status', 'length', 'max'=>1),             array('updatedon', 'safe'),             // following rule used search().             // @todo please remove attributes should not searched.             array('id, usertype, firstname, lastname, email, password, mobile, gender, dob, country, area, city, address, street, housenumber, extradirection, createdon, updatedon, status', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),             array('old_password, new_password, repeat_password', 'required', 'on' => 'changepwd'),             array('old_password', 'findpasswords', 'on' => 'changepwd'),             array('repeat_password', 'compare', 'compareattribute'=>'new_password', 'on'=>'changepwd'),         );     }  public function findpasswords($attribute, $params)     {         $user = user::model()->findbypk(yii::app()->user->id);         //echo '<pre>';print_r($user);echo '</pre>';         if ($user->password != md5($this->old_password))             $this->adderror($attribute, 'old password incorrect.');     } 


    <div class="login_con_new">      <div class="form">                           <?php             $form=$this->beginwidget('cactiveform', array(         'id'=>'change-password-form',            //'action' => yii::app()->createurl('login/authenticate'),          // 'enableajaxvalidation' => false,         'enableclientvalidation' => true,         'clientoptions' => array('validateonsubmit' => true,),         'htmloptions' => array(         'class' => 'form',         )         ));           ?>           <div class="col-sm-6">             <h2 class="title">change password</h2>              <?php     foreach(yii::app()->user->getflashes() $key => $message) {         echo '<div class="flash-' . $key . '">' . $message . "</div>\n";     } ?>             <div class="form-group">                          <?php echo $form->labelex($model,'current_password'); ?>             <?php echo $form->passwordfield($model,'old_password',array('class'=>'form-control login-field','size'=>60,'maxlength'=>222)); ?>             <?php echo $form->error($model,'old_password'); ?>               </div>             <div class="form-group">              <?php echo $form->labelex($model,'new_password'); ?>             <?php echo $form->passwordfield($model,'new_password',array('class'=>'form-control login-field','size'=>60,'maxlength'=>222)); ?>             <?php echo $form->error($model,'new_password'); ?>              </div>              <div class="form-group">              <?php echo $form->labelex($model,'repeat_password'); ?>             <?php echo $form->passwordfield($model,'repeat_password',array('class'=>'form-control login-field','size'=>60,'maxlength'=>222)); ?>             <?php echo $form->error($model,'repeat_password'); ?>              </div>                       <div class="form-group">             <div class="col-lg-4" style="padding-left: 0px;">             <?php echo chtml::submitbutton('change',array('class' => 'btn btn-success','style'=>'color:white')); ?></div>           </div>           </div>     <?php  $this->endwidget(); ?> </div>      </div>  

the $valid returns me false , entering else part.

i think in line $model = user::model()->findbyattributes(array('usertype' => $id)); did mistake usertype. user id.


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