base64 - OutOfMemory Exception while executing JAVA Mapping -
i have transfer big files (500 mb+...can of 1gb in size). these files have base64 encoded , encoded string has put in xml file. while below code works smaller files (30 - 50 mb) fails files great 100 mb. using base64 encoder sun (sun.misc.base64encoder).
public void execute(inputstream inputstream, outputstream outputstream) throws streamtransformationexception{ try { string sourcefilename = "test_file"; string receiverstr = ""; //2. convert input data in base64encoded string base64encoder encoder = new base64encoder(); byte input[] = new byte[inputstream.available()];; string base64encoded = encoder.encode(input); //3. build soap request format string serverurl = "http://website/url"; string soapenvelope = "<soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\" xmlns:soap=\"\">"; string soapheader = "<soapenv:header/><soapenv:body><soap:copyintoitems><soap:sourceurl>c:\\users\\desktop\\test_file.txt</soap:sourceurl><soap:destinationurls><soap:string>" + serverurl + "</soap:string></soap:destinationurls><soap:fields><soap:fieldinformation " + "type=" + "\"text\"" + " displayname=\"" + sourcefilename + "\"" + " internalname=\"" + sourcefilename + "\"" + " id=\"deff4b5c-b727-414c-893d-c56a8e12455f\"" + " value=\"" + sourcefilename + "\"/></soap:fields>"; string soapstream = "<soap:stream>" + base64encoded + "</soap:stream>"; receiverstr = soapenvelope + soapheader + soapstream + "</soap:copyintoitems></soapenv:body></soapenv:envelope>"; //4. write soap request receiver channel outputstream.write(receiverstr.getbytes()); } catch(exception e) { throw new streamtransformationexception(e.tostring()); } }
when try see message @ run-time, entire message not displayed , truncated in-between in base64encoded string. below error seen in system on executing java code. please note server settings can otherwise transfer 1gb+ files without java heap size error or file truncation. can please let me know how can process big files using above logic?
taking @ code store data 3 times:
the first time in byte array input stream. second time in encoded string , write output stream.
what can optimize bit split reading input stream/encoding , writing of encoded string output stream. way can let go of input byte array once encoded , memory can freed. better solution when encoder directly writes output stream or directly write encoding output stream.
however still have consider maximum file size should can processed , adjust heap setting accordingly: how deal "java.lang.outofmemoryerror: java heap space" error (64mb heap size)
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