javascript - drag and sortable only work first time -
i implementing drag , sort function. have 2 draggable area. can take @ url
1.just take city example , drop active reason work , take again city out of active reason still fine. again if try add city in active reason city block invisible.
with each drag perform sort operation dynamically.
$(function() { $( "#sortable1, #sortable2" ).sortable({ connectwith: ".connectedsortable", helper: 'clone', containment:"document", revert:"true", tolerance:"pointer" }); }); $("#sortable2").sortable({ stop: function ( event, div){ data = $(this).sortable('toarray', { attribute: 'data-id' }); //here perform our ajax request }, receive: function (event, ul) { ul.item.remove(); } }); //with each drag connect sort $("#sortable1>div").draggable({ connecttosortable: "#sortable2", helper: "clone", revert: "invalid", axis :"y" }); $("#sortable2>div").draggable({ connecttosortable: "#sortable2", helper: "clone", revert: "invalid" }); //here html reference <div id="sortable2" class="connectedsortable"> <span class="ui-sortable-handle"> active</span></div> <div id="sortable1" class="connectedsortable"> // here have list of element want drag </div>
one more things once drag item sorting trigger not way may once element drop sorting need start. please me sort out problem. if there else want let me know.
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