excel vba - Find cell address in another workbook with its value: "Run time error '9' Subscript out of range" -

i'm working user form contains listbox , i'm trying list items in workbook cell addresses if found.

my code follow:

with me.listbox    i=0 listbox.listcount -1        colnum = worksheetfunction.match(listbox.list(i), workbooks("c:\sourcefile").worksheets(1).range("1:1"), 0)        msgbox "column :" & colnum     next end  

an error message pops telling me "run time error '9' subscript out of range".

i can see following problems might facing:

1) use application.match instead of worksheetfunction, latter not member of userform object

2) doubt name of listbox member not listbox, listbox1 or so



.. reference open workbook? if so, should using name (with extension) without path.

with me.listbox1    i=0 .listcount -1        colnum = application.match(.list(i), workbooks("sourcefile.xlsx").worksheets(1).range("1:1"), 0)        msgbox "column :" & colnum    next end  

finally, code can better optimized getting range search once all, not inside loop:

set r = workbooks("sourcefile.xlsx").worksheets(1).range("1:1") me.listbox1    i=0 .listcount -1        colnum = application.match(.list(i), r, 0)        msgbox "column :" & colnum    next end  


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