Extra newline while sending data to a stream using through2 in Node.js -
i going through stream-adventure workshopper nodeschool. write program piped process.stdin stream stream created using through2 module , pipe process.stdout. stream created using through2 module convert input stream characters uppercase , pipe process.stdout. below source code:
var through = require('through2'); var write = function(buffer,encoding,next){ var data = buffer.tostring(); this.push(data.touppercase() + '\n'); next(); } var end = function (done){ done(); } var stream = through(write,end); process.stdin.pipe(stream).pipe(process.stdout);
the problem after every 8th chunk of word sent stream, newline printed. below 3 test outputs verification workshopper did:
test 1:
tap version 13 # (anonymous) ok 1 stream-adventure verify yourfile.js not ok 2 should equal --- operator: equal expected: 'metalkind\nkorven\nosirian\nthe ergon\ntythonian\nland of fiction beings\nsirian\nkraal\nthe flood\njadondan\n' actual: 'metalkind\nkorven\nosirian\nthe ergon\ntythonian\nland of fiction beings\nsirian\nkraal\n\nthe flood\n\njadondan\n\n' ... ok 3 successful exit code 1..3 # tests 3 # pass 2 # fail 1 ######################################### ### solution not correct! ### #########################################
test 2:
tap version 13 # (anonymous) ok 1 stream-adventure verify yourfile.js not ok 2 should equal --- operator: equal expected: 'the beast\nandrozani tree\ngaztak\nraxacoricofallapatorian\nmayfly\nstigorax\nthe trickster\nmegara\nmentor\nhand of omega\n' actual: 'the beast\nandrozani tree\ngaztak\nraxacoricofallapatorian\nmayfly\nstigorax\nthe trickster\nmegara\nmentor\n\nhand of omega\n\n' ... ok 3 successful exit code 1..3 # tests 3 # pass 2 # fail 1 ######################################### ### solution not correct! ### #########################################
test 3:
tap version 13 # (anonymous) ok 1 stream-adventure verify yourfile.js not ok 2 should equal --- operator: equal expected: 'qetesh\npelushi\nlurman\neve\natraxi\nfleshkind\ndalek\ngee-jee fly\nheadless monk\nthe destroyer\n' actual: 'qetesh\npelushi\nlurman\neve\natraxi\nfleshkind\ndalek\ngee-jee fly\n\nheadless monk\n\nthe destroyer\n\n' ... ok 3 successful exit code 1..3 # tests 3 # pass 2 # fail 1 ######################################### ### solution not correct! ### #########################################
what cause of mysterious newline , how fix it?
the newline being added line 4 in code. fix change line 4 this:
this.push(data.touppercase() + '\n');
to this:
also stream-adventure lesson print reference solution when type in terminal
stream-adventure solution
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