c++ - Sorting a Binary Tree -

i have written simple binary tree using structures , couple of functions in order add, search, find minimum , maximum values, remove node destroy node, problem have been using recursion , dealing in same way , having hard time trying comprehend if function sorting algorithm efficient enough.

the whole code is:

#include<iostream> using namespace std;  /*   simple example demonstrating basic binary tree    implemented using structurs, later on create using   classes, now, structures , pointers suffice */   /*  * node created in here, notice how pointer has ability   * self reference 2 different positions, means there ability  * store 2 different branches of memory  *  */  struct node{   int key_value;   node * p_left;   node * p_right; };  /*  *  * creation of add function add linked list  *  */  node* add(node * p_tree, int key) {   //--the base case of recursive function placed in here   //--since binary trees recursive in nature , linked data structures   //--are whole in terms of space , memory, recursive function   //--suffice cases involving binary trees.   //--in case, if given parameter null, create tree   //--by allocating necessary memory space   if (p_tree == null) {     node * pnew_tree = new node;     pnew_tree->p_left = null;     pnew_tree->p_right = null;     pnew_tree->key_value = key;     return pnew_tree;   }// end of base case    //--depending of value of node, determine if add left side or right side of subtree   if (key < p_tree->key_value){     // if less value, add left     p_tree->p_left = insert(p_tree->p_left, key);   }   else{     p_tree->p_right = insert(p_tree->p_right, key);   }   return p_tree; } // end of function   /*  *    * search function created  * in here function go on subtrees untill 1 necessary key returned  * again, uses recursive functions doing things step step:  *   * first: see if given tree node empty(null) if yes return null  *   * second: if find key referencing key value, done , return particular tree  *  * third: otherwise, left , right sides of tree making recursive calls same function until  *        1 looking found.  *   */   node* search(node *p_tree, key) {   //--first:   if (p_tree == null) { return null; }    //--second:   else if (p_tree->key_value = key) { return p_tree; }    //--third:   else if(key < p_tree->key_value) {     search(p_tree->p_left, key); //--thus looks left same recursive algorithm   }   else {     search(p_tree->p_right, key);   } }//--end of recursive search function  /*  *  * easiest function implement, since delete key used being whole concept falls inside memory being allocated  * list via creation of new nodes(this means using new keyword allocate memory, creating new objects in other languages)  *  * first: check see if passed tree not null, if not null destroy left , right subtree using same function  *        else nothing.  *   * note: return value set void since returns nothing list  *  */ void destroy_node(node* p_tree) {   //--first   if (p_tree != null) {     destroy(p_tree->p_left);     destroy(p_tree->p_right);     cout << endl;     cout << "destroying left subtree node" << endl;     cout << "destroying right subtree node" << endl;     cout << "deleting entire node: " << p_tree->key_value << endl;     cout << endl;     delete p_tree;   } }//--end of recursive destroy function    /*  *  * finding max value simple, evaluate left , right node , use base cases see node return  * why right?  * looking @ theory behind binary trees, tree on right biggest element. how trees sorted.  * there no need @ keys, code sort out in space since if not null return highest.  */ node* return_max(node* p_tree) {   if (p_tree == null) {     return null;   }   if (p_tree->p_right == null) {     return p_tree;   }   return return_max(p_tree->p_right); } //--end of return max recursive function   /*  *  * max node, opposite of avobe taking advantage of fact left node lesser  * recursion used again  *  */  node* return_min(node* p_tree){   if (p_tree == null) {     return null;   }   if(p_tree->p_left == null) {     return p_tree;   }   return return_min(p_tree->p_left); }//--end of recursive return min function  /*  *  * need remove max function in order remove biggest node in case found, way can implement recursive  * algorithm inside  function in charge of removing node want, can remove node using delete or destroy once  * find because destroy entire tree! no no, not good.  *  */ node* remove_max_node(node* p_tree, node* p_max_node) {   if (p_tree == null) { return null;}    if (p_tree == p_max_node) {     return p_max_node->p_left; //--because left 1 lesser   }   //--now recursive call, implementing means remove node on right   //--basing on sense right tree highest one, go top bottom   p_tree->p_right = remove_max_node(p_tree->p_right, p_max_node);   //--return tree after changes in addresses have been conducted   return p_tree;  }     /*  *   *  *  *  * removing tree simple based on recursive nature of element being discussed  *  * first: check see if tree null, if yess, return null  *  */ node* removen(node* p_tree, int key) {   //--first:   if (p_tree == null) { return null;}   //--second   if(p_tree->key_value == key) {     //--third:     if (p_tree->p_left == null) {       node* p_right_sub = p_tree->p_right;       delete p_tree;       return p_right_sub;     }     if (p_tree->p_right == null) {       node* p_left_sub = p_tree->p_left;       delete p_tree;       return p_left_sub;     }      node* p_maxn = return_max(p_tree->p_left);     p_maxn->p_left = remove_max_node(p_tree->p_left, p_max_node);     p_maxn->p-right = p-tree->p_right;     delete p_tee;     return p_max_node;   }   else if(key < p_tree->key_value) {     p_tree->p-left = removen(p_tree->p_left, key);   }   else {     p_tree->p_right = removen(p_tree->p_right, key);   }   //--after  changes have been done   return p_tree; }  /*  *  * entire implementation sorted when calling return min , max  *   *  */  node* sortedn(node* p_tree){   if (p_tree == null){return null;}    return sortedn(return_max(p_tree));  }      int main(int argv, char* []){    cout << "this merely test" << endl;   return 0; } 

my understanding way defined other functions sort , return state of node in new way being using pointers. maybe wrong think sorting function works. have been day , cannot think of better way, of code written understanding have in , of books, instructor not being came here seeking wisdom.


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