java - Null not getting assigned to one of the fields Address.ZipCode -
i have classes
student(having instance variables private int rollno, string studentname, int age, address address)
address (having instance variables string streetname, string city, string zipcode )
all being private.
the below class populates data studentdetails.txt file below(some fields can missing. missing fields expected replace 0 int , null string).
1,arjun,12,ghandinagar,pune,411020 5,seema,,,,
value not getting assinged adress.zipcode
public class studentdatamanager implements datamanager { public list<student> populatedata(string filename) { list<student> obj=new arraylist<student>(); try { file f=new file(filename); scanner in=new scanner(f); while(in.hasnext()) { string s=in.nextline(); string []array=s.split(","); if(array[0].isempty()) array[0]="0"; int rollno=integer.valueof(array[0]); if(array[1].isempty()) array[1]=null; string studentname=array[1]; if(array[2].isempty()) array[2]="0"; int age=integer.parseint(array[2]); address temp1=new address(); if(array[3].isempty()) array[3]=null; if(array[4].isempty()) array[4]=null; if(array[5].isempty()) array[5]=null; temp1.setstreetname(array[3]); temp1.setcity(array[4]); temp1.setzipcode(array[5]); student temp2=new student(rollno,studentname,age,temp1); obj.add(temp2); } } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return obj; } }
the code class address is:
public class address{ private string streetname; private string city; private string zipcode; public address(string streetname, string city, string zipcode) { this.streetname=streetname;; this.zipcode=zipcode; } public address() { // todo auto-generated constructor stub } public string getstreetname() { return streetname; } public void setstreetname(string streetname) { this.streetname = streetname; } public string getcity() { return city; } public void setcity(string city) { = city; } public string getzipcode() { return zipcode; } public void setzipcode(string zipcode) { this.zipcode = zipcode; } public string tostring() { return city+":"+streetname+":"+zipcode; } }
you cannot empty string .split(regex)
version of split
instead use split(regex, limit)
, pass -1
string []array = s.split(",", -1);
edit :
i tried using still last field not printed null :( – delfin
input ->5,seema,,,, output expected is: [5:seema:0:null:null:null]
why print null last field. passing text 5,seema,,,,
i.e. space after last ,. if want null too. call trim() before isempty()
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