Wordpress search term pagination broken -

i'm having issue pagination in search archives. reason whenever try going next page pagination gives me 404.

it's default if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); loop.

i don't know how, think reason because i'm getting redirected new page get's generated somehow. search stoff. instead of /page/2/?s=stoff replaces ?attachment_id=550&s=stoff.

here's i've tried (with no different results)

  • change search query (attachment_id same here well)

  • change pagination functions (pagenavi, get_next_posts_link, custom function)

  • replacing loop content title

  • removing header, sidebars, footer

  • resetting post data

  • resetting permalinks (pretty)

you can test pagination live here (dev location)

any thoughts on appreciated :)

edit - added pagination code used in search.php

i don't think should problem pagination, seeing i've tried many different ones, , pagination still works in every other location @ site, here is:

// numeric page navi (built theme default) function bones_page_navi() {   global $wp_query;   $bignum = 999999999;   if ( $wp_query->max_num_pages <= 1 )     return;   echo '<nav class="pagination">';   echo paginate_links( array(     'base'         => str_replace( $bignum, '%#%', html_entity_decode( get_pagenum_link($bignum) ) ),     'format'       => '',     'current'      => max( 1, get_query_var('paged') ),     'total'        => $wp_query->max_num_pages,     'prev_text'    => '&larr;',     'next_text'    => '&rarr;',     'type'         => 'list',     'end_size'     => 3,     'mid_size'     => 3   ) );   echo '</nav>'; } /* end page navi */ 

the function get's called after endwhile;


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