java - Issue with toString() Implementation in Android -

i have more advanced class trying write tostring() for

in order accomplish trying need able change assignment of variables when doing tostring().

to make simple going remove bunch of stuff except allows work.

public enum packetelementtype {     none((byte)0, "none"),     byte((byte)1, "byte"),     short((byte)2, "short"),     int((byte)3, "int"),     long((byte)4, "long"),     float((byte)5, "float"),     string((byte)6, "string"),     bin((byte)7, "bin");      private final byte typevalue;     private final string typename;      packetelementtype(byte type, string name)     {         this.typevalue = type;         this.typename = name;     }      public string gettypename() {         return typename;     }      public byte gettypevalue() {         return typevalue;     } }  public class packet {     private final int default_size = 1024 * 2;     private final int add_size = 1024;      private byte[] _buffer = new byte[1];     private int _ptr = 0;     private int _bodystart = 0;     private int _elements, _bodylen = 0;      private int op;     private long id;      public packet(int op, long id) {         setop(op);         setid(id);          _buffer = new byte[default_size];     }      public int getop() {         return op;     }      public void setop(int op) {         this.op = op;     }      public long getid() {         return id;     }      public void setid(long id) { = id;     }      public packetelementtype peek() {         int pie = _ptr;         if (pie + 2 > _buffer.length)             return packetelementtype.none;         return packetelementtype.values()[_buffer[_ptr]];     }      protected packet putsimple(packetelementtype type, byte... val) {         int len = val.length + 1;         this.ensuresize(len);          _buffer[++_ptr] = type.gettypevalue();         system.arraycopy(val, 0, _buffer, _ptr, val.length);         _ptr += val.length;          _elements++;         _bodylen += len;          return this;     }      public packet putbyte(byte val) {         return this.putsimple(packetelementtype.byte, val);     }      public packet putbyte(boolean val) {         return this.putbyte(val ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0);     }      public byte getbyte() throws exception {         if (this.peek() != packetelementtype.byte)             throw new exception("expected byte, got " + this.peek().gettypename() + ".");          _ptr += 1;         return _buffer[++_ptr];     }      protected void ensuresize(int required) {         if (_ptr + required >= _buffer.length) {             byte[] b = new byte[_buffer.length + math.max(add_size, required * 2)];             system.arraycopy(_buffer, 0, b, 0, _buffer.length);             _buffer = b;         }     }      private boolean isvalidtype(packetelementtype type)     {         return (type.gettypevalue() >= packetelementtype.byte.gettypevalue() && type.gettypevalue() <= packetelementtype.bin.gettypevalue());     }      protected string tostringhack()     {         stringbuilder result = new stringbuilder();         int prevptu = _ptr;         _ptr = _bodystart;          try {             result.append(string.format("op: %1$08d %3$s, id: %2$016d\r\n", this.getop(), this.getid(), op.getname(this.getop())));         } catch (illegalaccessexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();             return result.append("failed convert packet string").tostring();         }          packetelementtype type;         (int = 1; (this.isvalidtype(type = this.peek()) && _ptr < _buffer.length); ++i)         {             if (type == packetelementtype.byte)             {                 byte data = 0;                 try {                     data = getbyte();                 } catch (exception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                     result.append("failed parse element @ position ").append(i);                     continue;                 }                 result.append(string.format("%1&03d [%2$s] byte   : %3$s", i, string.format("%1$016d", data), data));             }         }          return result.tostring();     }      //todo: tostring     @override     public string tostring()     {         return tostringhack();     } }   public class op {      public class msgr     {      }      public static string getname(int op) throws illegalaccessexception {         (field field : op.class.getfields())         {             if ((int)field.get(null) == op)                 return field.getname();         }          (field field : op.msgr.class.getfields())         {             if ((int)field.get(null) == op)                 return field.getname();         }          return "?";     } } 

debug view close [debug view far (after instructions)2

when debugging, _ptr won't set in tostring(), when not debugging, _ptr won't set in putsimple().

i'm close pulling hair out, please , thanks, if me glad! please , thank again!

to test bug please review following example:

packet p = new packet(1, 10001).putbyte(true); toast.maketext(this, p.tostring(), toast.length_long).show(); 

for me throw inside built in test class first, , tried in oncreate main activity.

tostring() return op , id because _ptr @ , peek() attempt read byte starting @ position instead of @ 0 find our 1 byte.


it seems like... _ptr = _bodystart; being seen other assignment, possible?

result see ok - debugger shows variables before evaluation. ad line after 1 (like log or smth.) , set breakpoint on it.


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