jquery - Ruby on Rails redirect to view on successful AJAX load for slow controller action -

in ruby on rails, correct way render ajax 'spinner' while waiting slow controller action, , redirect correct view when complete?

considering attempt below:


# app/assets/controllers/static_pages_controller.rb class staticpagescontroller < applicationcontroller      def index     end      def slow_action         sleep 3 # take nap         respond_to |format|             format.js {render js: "window.location = '#{slow_action_path}';"}             format.html {}         end     end end 

the index page jquery render spinner div:

<!-- app/views/static_pages/index.html.erb --> <h1>index page</h1>  <li><%= link_to "a link slow action", slow_action_path, :remote => true %></li>  <div id="spinner">     <p>loading... please patient.</p> </div>  <script type="text/javascript">     $("#spinner").hide(); // hide spinner      $(document).ajaxsend(function(r, s) {         $("#spinner").show();     });       $(document).ajaxstop(function(r, s) {         $("#spinner").fadeout("fast");     }); </script> 

and, it's worth, slow_action's view:

<!-- app/views/static_pages/slow_action.html.erb --> <h1>this slow action</h1> 

the problem (i think) window.location call calling same action again, , server sleeping on again. correct way implement this?

we use spawn aka spawnling - https://github.com/tra/spawnling

you spawn off thread handle slow stuff , redirect different action/template periodically checks whether it's done yet. template displayed in modal-style box hovers on page. test whether app done yet creation of temp files, , tracking pid of spawned thread, use database instead if wanted.

your problem you're trying do thing , see if thing finished yet in same place. should have different, generic, action see if task finished yet, takes parameter allow test whether task finished.


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