coffeescript - How do I get a Slack message's id/timestamp from a Hubot script? -

there doesn't seem timestamp property , id property undefined. here hubot's plugin script code:

module.exports = (robot) ->   robot.hear /\bclocks?\b/i, (msg) ->     msg.http("")       .query({         token: process.env.slack_api_token         name: "bomb"         timestamp: msg.message.timestamp # property doesn't exist       })       .post() (err, res, body) ->         console.log(body)         return 

the response slack api is:


when log msg.message looks this:

{ user:    { id: 'abc123',     name: 'travis',     room: 'test-bots',     reply_to: 'zyx987' },  text: 'clock',  id: undefined,  done: false,  room: 'test-bots' } 

how can timestamp or id message triggered listener?

i heard slack's team , there newer property called rawmessage have access when upgrade newer api. here's steps went through working:

  1. upgrade nodejs & hubot (this may optional, our versions out of date)
  2. upgrade slack-adapter , follow instructions connect newer api
  3. you should access newer properties scripts.

here's code worked me after upgrading:

module.exports = (robot) ->   robot.hear /\bclocks?\b/i, (msg) ->     querydata =  {         token: process.env.hubot_slack_token         name: "bomb"         channel: # required timestamp, uses rawmessage find         timestamp: # id no longer undefined       }      if (querydata.timestamp?)       msg.http("")         .query(querydata)         .post() (err, res, body) ->           #todo: error handling           return 


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