java - How to set Spring log4j property file path programmatically -
i using spring-boot way;
public static void main(string[] args) throws exception { applicationcontext context = new annotationconfigapplicationcontext(springconfiguration.class);
@configuration @componentscan("com.mycompnay") @propertysources({ @propertysource("")}) public class springconfiguration { @bean public static propertysourcesplaceholderconfigurer propertyplaceholderconfigurer() { return new propertysourcesplaceholderconfigurer(); }
i trying understand how can set file way? found way how set programatically ?
log4j.rootlogger=info, console log4j.appender.console=org.apache.log4j.consoleappender log4j.appender.console.layout=org.apache.log4j.patternlayout log4j.appender.console.layout.conversionpattern=%d %p [%c] - <%m>%n #debug logging log4j.appender.debugappender=org.apache.log4j.rollingfileappender log4j.appender.debugappender.threshold=debug log4j.appender.debugappender.file=vertx.log log4j.appender.debugappender.maxfilesize=200kb log4j.appender.debugappender.maxbackupindex=5 log4j.appender.debugappender.layout=org.apache.log4j.patternlayout log4j.appender.debugappender.layout.conversionpattern=%d %p [%c] - <%m>%n,console,console
however on console still see such loggings:
13:41:59.525 [main] debug o.s.core.env.standardenvironment - adding [systemproperties] propertysource lowest search precedence
added log4j debug. console output:
log4j: reading configuration url file:/users/idan/ideaprojects/myservice-service/web/build/resources/main/ log4j: parsing [root] value=[info, console]. log4j: level token [info]. log4j: category root set info log4j: parsing appender named "console". log4j: parsing layout options "console". log4j: setting property [conversionpattern] [%d %p [%c] - <%m>%n]. log4j: end of parsing "console". log4j: parsed "console" options. log4j: parsing [org.apache] value=[error, console]. log4j: level token [error]. log4j: category org.apache set error log4j: parsing appender named "console". log4j: appender "console" parsed. log4j: handling[null] log4j: parsing [org.springframework] value=[error, console]. log4j: level token [error]. log4j: category org.springframework set error log4j: parsing appender named "console". log4j: appender "console" parsed. log4j: handling[null] log4j: parsing [io.netty] value=[info, console]. log4j: level token [info]. log4j: category io.netty set info log4j: parsing appender named "console". log4j: appender "console" parsed. log4j: handling[null] log4j: parsing [com.mycompany] value=[debug, console]. log4j: level token [debug]. log4j: category com.mycompany set debug log4j: parsing appender named "console". log4j: appender "console" parsed. log4j: handling[false] log4j: setting additivity "com.mycompany" false log4j: parsing [org.neo4j.jdbc.level] value=[debug, console]. log4j: level token [debug]. log4j: category org.neo4j.jdbc.level set debug log4j: parsing appender named "console". log4j: appender "console" parsed. log4j: handling[null] log4j: finished configuring.
thank, ray.
i fixed adding param executable jar:
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