c++ - How to add correct Content-Type when uploading file with Wininet? (HTTP PUT) -

i uploading file wininet sharepoint server http put. however, when specify file name .xlsx extension, got on sharepoint server file says it's named .xlsx, when downloading it, gets .zipextension. also, on sharepoint, file not little excel icon next it, more generic icon. have tried every combination of setting content-type ("mime-type") httpaddrequestheaders , @ httpsendrequest come with.

the code below uploads file, sharepoint gets content-type wrong:

static int upload_file_to_sharepoint(lpcstr filename, lpcstr server, lpcstr location) {     hinternet hintrn = internetopena(         "magic",           internet_open_type_preconfig_with_no_autoproxy,          null,          null,          0     );     if (!hintrn)         return printf("no internet connection: %li.\n", getlasterror());      hinternet hconn = internetconnecta(         hintrn,          server,         internet_default_https_port,         null,         null,         internet_service_http,         0,         null     );      if (!hconn)         return printf("connection update server failed: %li.\n", getlasterror());      dword dwopenrequestflags =         internet_flag_keep_connection |         internet_flag_no_cookies |         internet_flag_no_cache_write |         internet_flag_no_ui |         internet_flag_reload;      pcstr rgpszaccepttypes[] = {         "text/*",         "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",         null     };      hinternet hreq = httpopenrequesta(         hconn,         "put",         location,         "http/1.1",         null,         rgpszaccepttypes,         dwopenrequestflags,         null     );       handle hfile = createfilea(         filename,         generic_read,         file_share_read,         null,         open_existing,         file_attribute_normal,         null     );      if (null == hfile) {         exitprocess(1);     }      handle hmap = createfilemapping(hfile, null, page_readonly, 0, 0, null);     if (null == hmap) {         exitprocess(1);     }      lpvoid lpvfile = mapviewoffile(hmap, file_map_read, 0, 0, 0);      dword dwfilesize = getfilesize(hfile, null);      char mimetype[1024];     sprintf(         mimetype,         "content-type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"     //"content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel\r\n"     );      if (!httpaddrequestheadersa(hreq, mimetype, -1, http_addreq_flag_replace)) {         printf("failed adding mime header\n");     }      if (!httpsendrequesta(         hreq,         null,// "content-type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",         0, //-1,         lpvfile,         dwfilesize)) {         printf("httpsendrequest failed: %li.\n", getlasterror());     }      unmapviewoffile(lpvfile);     closehandle(hmap);     closehandle(hfile);      printf("uploaded file http://%s%s\n", server, location);      return 0; } 

i captured headers fiddler, got this:

put http://x.com/censored/a.xslx http/1.1 accept: text/*, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet content-disposition: attachment; filename="a.xlsx" content-type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet user-agent: magic host: censored content-length: 772303 connection: keep-alive pragma: no-cache   http/1.1 200 ok cache-control: private,max-age=0 content-length: 0 expires: tue, 15 sep 2015 08:43:16 gmt last-modified: wed, 30 sep 2015 08:43:16 gmt etag: "{0dc262d0-83ae-489a-90cd-eb23b284a3b3},14" server: microsoft-iis/7.5 sprequestguid: 6aba173e-41db-4b14-b7df-7714c54db282 x-sharepointhealthscore: 0 resourcetag: rt:0dc262d0-83ae-489a-90cd-eb23b284a3b3@00000000014 public-extension: http://schemas.microsoft.com/repl-2 x-powered-by: asp.net microsoftsharepointteamservices: x-ms-invokeapp: 1; requirereadonly servername: xcensored date: wed, 30 sep 2015 08:43:16 gmt 

so, helps if upload file .xlsx instead of .xslx ...

the code works , looks this, no special headers necessary, consistent other examples have found on web:

static int upload_file_to_sharepoint(lpcstr filename, lpcstr server, lpcstr location) {     hinternet hintrn = internetopena(         "magic",           internet_open_type_preconfig_with_no_autoproxy,          null,          null,          0     );     if (!hintrn)         return printf("no internet connection: %li.\n", getlasterror());      hinternet hconn = internetconnecta(         hintrn,          server,         internet_default_https_port,         null,         null,         internet_service_http,         0,         null     );      if (!hconn)         return printf("connection update server failed: %li.\n", getlasterror());      dword dwopenrequestflags =         internet_flag_keep_connection |         internet_flag_no_cookies |         internet_flag_no_cache_write |         internet_flag_no_ui |         internet_flag_reload;      hinternet hreq = httpopenrequesta(         hconn,         "put",         location,         "http/1.1",         null,         null,         dwopenrequestflags,         null     );       handle hfile = createfilea(         filename,         generic_read,         file_share_read,         null,         open_existing,         file_attribute_normal,         null     );      if (null == hfile) {         exitprocess(1);     }      handle hmap = createfilemapping(hfile, null, page_readonly, 0, 0, null);     if (null == hmap) {         exitprocess(1);     }      lpvoid lpvfile = mapviewoffile(hmap, file_map_read, 0, 0, 0);      dword dwfilesize = getfilesize(hfile, null);          if (!httpsendrequesta(         hreq,         null,         0,         lpvfile,         dwfilesize)) {         printf("httpsendrequest failed: %li.\n", getlasterror());     }      unmapviewoffile(lpvfile);     closehandle(hmap);     closehandle(hfile);      printf("uploaded file http://%s%s\n", server, location);      return 0; } 


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