java - How to end transactions in progress properly and to close the database in Android? -
i develop simple application in android. execute time stopped unfortunately , throw error these
a sqliteconnection
object database '/data/data/com.h2o/databases/mydbname.db'
leaked! please fix application end transactions in progress , close database when no longer needed.
what avoid above error
here db code:
public class dbhelper extends sqliteopenhelper { public static final string database_name = "mydbname.db"; public static final string address_table_name = "address"; public static final string address_column_id = "id"; public static final string address_column_addresstype = "addrtype"; public static final string address_column_line1 = "line1"; public static final string address_column_line2 = "line2"; public static final string address_column_city = "city"; public static final string address_column_zipcode = "zipcode"; public static final string address_column_country = "country"; public static final string address_column_state = "state"; public static final string address_column_landmark = "landmark"; //private hashmap hp; public dbhelper(context context) { super(context, database_name, null, 1); } @override public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) { // todo auto-generated method stub db.execsql( "create table address " + "(id integer primary key autoincrement,addrtype text not null unique, line1 text not null,line2 text not null,city text not null,zipcode text not null, country textnot null,state text not null,landmark text)" ); } @override public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) { // todo auto-generated method stub db.execsql("drop table if exists address"); oncreate(db); } public boolean insertaddress(string addrtype, string line1, string line2, string city, string zipcode, string country, string state, string landmark) { sqlitedatabase db; db= this.getwritabledatabase(); contentvalues contentvalues = new contentvalues(); contentvalues.put("addrtype", addrtype); contentvalues.put("line1", line1); contentvalues.put("line2", line2); contentvalues.put("city", city); contentvalues.put("zipcode", zipcode); contentvalues.put("country", country); contentvalues.put("state", state); contentvalues.put("landmark", landmark); string selectquery = "select * address addrtype ='"+addrtype+"'"; cursor cursor = db.rawquery(selectquery,null); if (cursor.getcount()==1){ db.update("address",contentvalues,"addrtype ='"+addrtype+"'",null); return true; } else { db.insert("address", null, contentvalues); return true; } } public cursor getdata(int id){ sqlitedatabase db = this.getreadabledatabase(); cursor res = db.rawquery( "select * address id="+id+"", null ); return res; } public int numberofrows(){ sqlitedatabase db = this.getreadabledatabase(); int numrows = (int) databaseutils.querynumentries(db, address_table_name); return numrows; } public boolean updateaddress (integer id,string addrtype, string line1, string line2, string city, string zipcode,string country,string state,string landmark) { sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase(); contentvalues contentvalues = new contentvalues(); contentvalues.put("addrtype", addrtype); contentvalues.put("line1", line1); contentvalues.put("line2", line2); contentvalues.put("city", city); contentvalues.put("zipcode", zipcode); contentvalues.put("country", country); contentvalues.put("state", state); contentvalues.put("landmark", landmark); db.update("address", contentvalues, "id = ? ", new string[] { integer.tostring(id) } ); return true; } public integer deleteaddress (integer id) { sqlitedatabase db = this.getwritabledatabase(); return db.delete("address", "id = ? ", new string[] { integer.tostring(id) }); } public arraylist<string> getalladdress() { arraylist<string> array_list = new arraylist<string>(); //hp = new hashmap(); sqlitedatabase db = this.getreadabledatabase(); cursor res = db.rawquery( "select * address", null ); res.movetofirst(); while(res.isafterlast() == false){ array_list.add(res.getstring(res.getcolumnindex(address_column_addresstype))); res.movetonext(); } return array_list; } }
mydb = new dbhelper(this.getactivity()); cursor rs = mydb.getdata(value); id_to_update = value; rs.movetofirst(); string addr_type = rs.getstring(rs.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.address_column_addresstype)); string addr_line1 = rs.getstring(rs.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.address_column_line1)); string addr_line2 = rs.getstring(rs.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.address_column_line2)); string addr_city = rs.getstring(rs.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.address_column_city)); string addr_zipcode = rs.getstring(rs.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.address_column_zipcode)); addr_country_index = rs.getstring(rs.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.address_column_country)); addr_state_index = rs.getstring(rs.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.address_column_state)); string addr_landmark = rs.getstring(rs.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.address_column_landmark)); if (!rs.isclosed()) { rs.close(); mydb.close(); }
please fix it!
thanks in advance
i think getting error because not closing 'cursor' object. each cursor should closed when you're finished it. safe way is:
cursor res = db.rawquery( "select * address", null); try { // read data cursor in here } { res.close(); }
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