java - Need some help for deeplearning4j single RBM usage -
i have bunch of sensors , want reconstruct input.
so want this:
- after have trained model pass in feature matrix
- get reconstructed feature matrix back
- i want investigate sensor values different reconstructed value
therefore thought rbm right choice , since used java, have tried use deeplearning4j. got stuck early. if run following code, facing 2 problems.
the result far away correct prediction, of them [1.00,1.00,1.00].
i expect 4 values (which number of inputs expected reconstructed)
so have tune a) better result , b) reconstructed inputs back?
public static void main(string[] args) { // customizing params nd4j.max_slices_to_print = -1; nd4j.max_elements_per_slice = -1; nd4j.enforce_numerical_stability = true; final int numrows = 4; final int numcolumns = 1; int outputnum = 3; int numsamples = 150; int batchsize = 150; int iterations = 100; int seed = 123; int listenerfreq = iterations/5; datasetiterator iter = new irisdatasetiterator(batchsize, numsamples); // loads data generator , format consumable nn dataset iris =; iris.normalize(); //iris.scale(); system.out.println(iris.getfeaturematrix()); neuralnetconfiguration conf = new neuralnetconfiguration.builder() // gaussian visible; rectified hidden // set contrastive divergence 1 .layer(new rbm.builder() .nin(numrows * numcolumns) // input nodes .nout(outputnum) // output nodes .activation("tanh") // activation function type .weightinit(weightinit.xavier) // weight initialization .lossfunction(lossfunctions.lossfunction.xent) .updater(updater.nesterovs) .build()) .seed(seed) // locks in weight initialization tuning .iterations(iterations) .learningrate(1e-1f) // backprop step size .momentum(0.5) // speed of modifying learning rate .optimizationalgo(optimizationalgorithm.stochastic_gradient_descent) // ^^ calculates gradients .build(); layer model = layerfactories.getfactory(conf.getlayer()).create(conf); model.setlisteners(arrays.aslist((iterationlistener) new scoreiterationlistener(listenerfreq)));; system.out.println(model.activate(iris.getfeaturematrix(), false)); }
for b), when call activate(), list of "nlayers" arrays. every array in list activation 1 layer. array composed of rows: 1 row per input vector; each column contains activation every neuron in layer , observation (input). once layers have been activated input, can reconstruction rbm.propdown() method.
as a), i'm afraid it's tricky train correctly rbm. want play every parameter, , more importantly, monitor during training various metrics give hint whether it's training correctly or not. personally, plot:
- the score() on training corpus, reconstruction error after every gradient update; check decreases.
- the score() on development corpus: useful warned when overfitting occurs;
- the norm of parameter vector: has large impact on score
- both activation maps (= xy rectangular plot of activated neurons of 1 layer on corpus), after initialization , after n steps: helps detecting unreliable training (e.g.: when black/white, when large part of neurons never activated, etc.)
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