crystal reports - Check System Architecture in Inno Setup -
i using inno setup
create bootstrapper .net
developed project.
while using pascalscript
, facing problems. before that, here script using create bootstrapper
#define myappname "<productname>" #define myappversion "<productversion>" #define myapppublisher "<company name>" #define myappurl "<url>" #define myappexename "<appname>.exe" #define myappcopyright "copyright@2015" #define mycontact "<contact no>" [setup] appid={{69a884d3-671f-4dfb-9e23-f6fa35bd6264} appname={#myappname} appversion={#myappversion} ;appvername={#myappname} {#myappversion} apppublisher={#myapppublisher} apppublisherurl={#myappurl} appsupporturl={#myappurl} appupdatesurl={#myappurl} defaultdirname={pf}\{#myappname} disabledirpage=yes defaultgroupname={#myappname} disableprogramgrouppage=yes licensefile=<license file path> outputdir=<output directory path> outputbasefilename=<output file name> compression=lzma solidcompression=yes setupiconfile=<icon file path> architecturesinstallin64bitmode=x64 appcopyright={#myappcopyright} appcontact={#mycontact} versioninfoversion=1.5 versioninfocompany=<company name> versioninfoproductname=<product name> versioninfoproductversion=<product version> [languages] name: "english"; messagesfile: "compiler:default.isl" [tasks] name: "desktopicon"; description: "{cm:createdesktopicon}"; groupdescription: "{cm:additionalicons}"; flags: unchecked name: "quicklaunchicon"; description: "{cm:createquicklaunchicon}"; groupdescription: "{cm:additionalicons}"; flags: unchecked; onlybelowversion: 0,6.1 [files] source: "<path>\ndp452-kb2901907-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe"; destdir: "{tmp}"; flags: deleteafterinstall; permissions: admins-full; check: framework45isnotinstalled source: "<path>\crruntime_32bit_13_0_13.msi"; destdir: "{tmp}"; flags: deleteafterinstall 32bit; permissions: admins-full; source: "<path>\crruntime_64bit_13_0_14.msi"; destdir: "{tmp}"; flags: 64bit deleteafterinstall; permissions: admins-full; check: iswin64 source: "<path>\ssceruntime_x86-enu.exe"; destdir: "{tmp}"; flags: deleteafterinstall 32bit; permissions: admins-full source: "<path>\ssceruntime_x64-enu.exe"; destdir: "{tmp}"; flags: 64bit deleteafterinstall; permissions: admins-full; check: iswin64 source: "<path>\<product>.exe"; destdir: "{app}"; flags: ignoreversion source: "<path>\file1.dll"; destdir: "{app}"; flags: ignoreversion ; note: don't use "flags: ignoreversion" on shared system files [run] filename: {tmp}\ndp452-kb2901907-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe; parameters: "/q /norestart"; check: framework45isnotinstalled; statusmsg: microsoft framework 4.0 being installed. process might take time. please wait..... filename: "msiexec.exe"; parameters: "/i ""{tmp}\crruntime_32bit_13_0_13.msi"; statusmsg: crystal reports runtime being installed. please wait....; filename: {tmp}\ssceruntime_x86-enu.exe; statusmsg: microsoft sql compact 4.0 being installed. please wait..... [code] function framework45isnotinstalled(): boolean; var regresult: cardinal; begin regquerydwordvalue(hklm, 'software\microsoft\net framework setup\ndp\v4\full', 'install', regresult); if (regresult = 0) begin result := true; end else begin result := false; end; end; [icons] name: "{group}\{#myappname}"; filename: "{app}\{#myappexename}" name: "{group}\{cm:uninstallprogram,{#myappname}}"; filename: "{uninstallexe}" name: "{commondesktop}\{#myappname}"; filename: "{app}\{#myappexename}"; tasks: desktopicon name: "{userappdata}\microsoft\internet explorer\quick launch\{#myappname}"; filename: "{app}\{#myappexename}"; tasks: quicklaunchicon [run] filename: "{app}\{#myappexename}"; description: "{cm:launchprogram,{#stringchange(myappname, '&', '&&')}}"; flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
now have 3 problems regarding issue :
- how check if system architecture 32bit or 64bit , execute respective file accordingly ?
e.g. mentioned in script, have attached 2 files crystal reports
, while executing setup, setup should detect system architecture , run respective file. tried solve using this link here on stackoverdlow didn't quite understand it.
- check if prerequisite installed on system or not
e.g. check if .net framework
installed on machine, got script mentioned above , working fine. how crystal report
or sql compact
i tried script crystal report
it's not working.
[code] function checkforcrystalreports: boolean; var regresul: cardinal; begin regquerydwordvalue(hklm, 'software\sap businessobjects\suite xi 4.0\installer\crv','install',regresul); if(regresul = 0) begin result := true; end else begin result := false; end; end;
- run executable in silent mode
e.g. in above script, using parameters: "/q /norestart";
run setup in silent mode , working. how *.msi
file ? tried parameters not working.
try solution shellexec
[run] filename: "{tmp}\crruntime_32bit_13_0_13.msi"; parameters: "/passive"; flags: shellexec waituntilterminated skipifdoesntexist; statusmsg: "crystal reports runtime being installed. please wait...";
if want call via msiexec
[run] filename: "msiexec.exe"; parameters: "/passive /i ""{tmp}\crruntime_32bit_13_0_13.msi"""; flags: waituntilterminated skipifdoesntexist; statusmsg: "crystal reports runtime being installed. please wait...";
p.s. in code snippet comment there quotations missing parameters
. should open , close parameters "
if need use quotation in parameters line have use doubled. ""
for sql compact
may use following code:
[files] source: "c:\temp\ssceruntime_x64-enu.exe"; destdir: "{tmp}"; flags: nocompression deleteafterinstall uninsremovereadonly source: "c:\temp\ssceruntime_x86-enu.exe"; destdir: "{tmp}"; flags: nocompression deleteafterinstall uninsremovereadonly [run] filename: "{tmp}\ssceruntime_x64-enu.exe"; parameters: "/qn /i"; flags: waituntilterminated skipifdoesntexist; statusmsg: sql compact 4.0 x64 being installed. please wait...; check: (iswin64) , (not issqlcompact40installed); filename: "{tmp}\ssceruntime_x86-enu.exe"; parameters: "/qn /i"; flags: waituntilterminated skipifdoesntexist; statusmsg: sql compact 4.0 x86 being installed. please wait...; check: (not iswin64) , (not issqlcompact40installed); [code] function issqlcompact40installed(): boolean; var installdirstring : string; begin result := false; if regquerystringvalue(hklm, 'software\microsoft\microsoft sql server compact edition\v4.0', 'installdir', installdirstring) begin if fileexists(installdirstring + '\sqlcecompact40.dll') result := true; end; end;
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