Cannot execute two changelogs for two databases from Liquibase maven plugin -

i have 2 different databases:oracle , db2. trying use maven plugin liquibase run 2 different changelogs on these 2 databases.

what have far:

in configuration, set both oracle , db2 connection:

<configuration>      <changelogfile>src/main/resources/liquibase/changelogoracle.xml</changelogfile>      <driver>oracle.jdbc.oracledriver</driver>      <url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@vdfdfseisfs3:3131:orcl</url>      <username>liquibase</username>      <password>password</password>       <changelogfile>src/main/resources/liquibase/changelogdb2.xml</changelogfile>      <driver></driver>      <url>jdbc:db2://</url>      <username>admini</username>      <password>password</password> </configuration> 

and in execution have set this:

<execution>     <phase>process-resources</phase>     <goals>         <goal>update</goal>     </goals> </execution> 

and have both dependency set up:

<dependency>     <groupid></groupid>     <artifactid>ojdbc6</artifactid>     <version>11.2.0</version> </dependency>  <dependency>     <artifactid></artifactid>     <groupid>db2jcc</groupid>     <version>4.9.78</version>     <scope>system</scope>     <systempath>${basedir}/my-repo/com/ibm/db2/jcc/db2jcc/4.9.78/db2jcc-4.9.78.jar</systempath> </dependency> 

my question is, when run windows cmd this: mvn liquibase:update

only db2 changelog executed, have data created db2 database, not oracle. why 1 changelog file gets executed?

i can individually execute oracle , db2 changelogs, want execute both of them together.

the liquibase maven plugin not allow 2 configurations in section of pom:

<configuration>      <changelogfile>src/main/resources/liquibase/changelogoracle.xml</changelogfile>      <driver>oracle.jdbc.oracledriver</driver>      <url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@vdfdfseisfs3:3131:orcl</url>      <username>liquibase</username>      <password>password</password>       <changelogfile>src/main/resources/liquibase/changelogdb2.xml</changelogfile>      <driver></driver>      <url>jdbc:db2://</url>      <username>admini</username>      <password>password</password> </configuration> 

it reading first one. reading maven lifecycle docs, appears can want using 2 different executions, not clear how alter pom have 2 executions use 2 different configurations.


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