excel - Clear Constants in a range without clearing references and formulas -

i trying clear number constants in range of cells without clearing formulas or cell references. clearing constants cells without formulas or cell references simple having trouble doing when present. below code have far.

range("b2:b11").select selection.specialcells(xlcelltypeconstants, 1).select selection.clearcontents 

in range cells b5 , b7 have formulas cell references follows:

b5: =(g83*h1)+1181.05

b7: =e33+1292.76

the cell references @ times reference cells on other sheets in same workbook. need clear constants these formulas while leaving references intact.

this remove constants formulas in current workbook based on 2 patterns:

  • "=formula-[space]-plussign-[space]-constant" (space optional)

    • =(g83*h1)+1181.05 or =(g83*h1) +1181.05 or =(g83*h1)+ 1181.05 becomes =(g83*h1)
    • =e33+1292.76 or =e33 +1292.76 or =e33+ 1292.76 or =e33 + 1292.76 becomes =e33
  • "=formula-[space]-minussign-[space]-constant" (space optional)

public sub clearconstantsfromworkbookformulas()     const patterns string = "~+*|~+ *|~ +*| ~+ *|~-*|~- *|~ -*|~ - *"     dim pat variant      each pat in split(patterns, "|")         cells.replace what:=pat, _                       replacement:=vbnullstring, _                       lookat:=xlpart, _                       searchorder:=xlbyrows, _                       matchcase:=false     next  end sub 


this more generic option using regex pattern matching , arrays:

public sub testclear()     dim ws worksheet      each ws in application.activeworkbook.worksheets         removeconstantsfromformulas ws.range("b2:b11"), getregex     next end sub  public sub removeconstantsfromformulas(byref rng range, byref regex object)     dim v variant, r long, c long, lr long, lc long      lr = rng.rows.count     lc = rng.columns.count      if lr > 0 , lc > 0          v = rng.formula         r = 1 lr            c = 1 lc               if left(v(r, c), 1) = "="                  if regex.test(v(r, c)) v(r, c) = regex.replace(v(r, c), vbnullstring)               end if            next         next         rng.formula = v      end if end sub  private function getregex() object     set getregex = createobject("vbscript.regexp")     getregex.pattern = "[^a-za-z][0-9]+(\.?[0-9]+)"     getregex.global = true     getregex.ignorecase = true end function 

regex pattern: 1 or more digits, digit group not preceded letter, or without fraction part


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