java - Why my list is not getting updated when I select a new file and scan it? -

i doing project need parse file , show required words , manipulation of output. here happens. when provide input file document folder below:

input [5:0] gre1; input wire           clock,                reset;    input [3:0]    req3,           req2;   input [3:0] req4, req5;         input           req1;    input           req0;    output reg          gnt3,              gnt2,               gnt1;  output [7:0] req43, req53;             output          gnt0;  

and click start scan, scans file , stores required words in array, when select "clock" in "specify clock" , "reset" in "specify reset signal", reading , click start button, output, when want repeat same procedure again clicking "go back" , take file has different input like:

input [5:0] gre2; input wire           clk,                rst;    input [3:0]    req31,           req22;   input [3:0] req42, req25;           input           req12;    input           req02;    output reg          gnt23,              gnt22,               gnt12;  output [7:0] req423, req523;               output          gnt03;  

then click "start scan", shows me correct output, when select "clk" in specify clock , "rst" in specify reset signal, still showing me previous list of signals/words want words/signals latest selected file.

my entire code given below:

/**  *  * @author mitesh khadgi  */  public class main {     private int maxfields = 52; // max number of fields allowed in dialog     int count = 0;     jcombobox relationcombo[] = new jcombobox[maxfields];     string signals[] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"};     jpanel combopanel;     jlabel opt;     jlabel selsignal;     jcombobox numofsignals;     string[] numsignals = {"1", "2"};      jlabel handlelabel;     jtextfield handle;     jcombobox signal;     jframe guiframe;     private static final int pref_w = 450;     private static final int pref_h = 450;      //note: typically main method in     //separate class. simple 1 class     //example it's in 1 class.     public static void main(string[] args) {          new main();     }      public main()     {         guiframe = new jframe();          //make sure program exits when frame closes         guiframe.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);         guiframe.settitle("assertion-based gui");         guiframe.setsize(500,500);          //this center jframe in middle of screen         guiframe.setlocationrelativeto(null);          // panel handle textfield option         jpanel combopanelnew = new jpanel();         jtextfield handlenew = new jtextfield(30);         combopanelnew.add(handlenew);          // panel input file , select , scan options.         jpanel showpanel = new jpanel();         jtextarea inoutlist = new jtextarea(5, 30);         inoutlist.seteditable(false);         inoutlist.setlinewrap(true);         jscrollpane scrollingareanew = new jscrollpane(inoutlist);         showpanel.add(scrollingareanew);          // panel clock, reset combobox options         jpanel showpanelnew = new jpanel();         opt = new jlabel("specify signal: ");         signal = new jcombobox(signals);          // adding panel clock, reset combobox options in showpanelnew.         showpanelnew.add(opt);         showpanelnew.add(signal);          jbutton selectbutton = new jbutton( "select file");         jbutton scanbutton = new jbutton( "start scan");          selectbutton.addactionlistener(new actionlistener()         {             @override             public void actionperformed(actionevent event)             {                 jfilechooser filechooser = new jfilechooser();                 int returnvalue = filechooser.showopendialog(null);                 if (returnvalue == jfilechooser.approve_option) {                     file selectedfile = filechooser.getselectedfile();                     system.out.println(selectedfile.getname());                     handlenew.settext(filechooser.getselectedfile().getabsolutepath());                 }             }         });          scanbutton.addactionlistener(new actionlistener()         {             @override             public void actionperformed(actionevent event)             {                     list<string> listinputreal = new arraylist<string>();                      // store file elements in array called listinputreal.                     system.out.println("listinputreal: " + arrays.tostring(listinputreal.toarray()));                      // clock signal combobox listener remove clock signal inputsignallist.                     signal.addactionlistener(new actionlistener()         {             @override             public void actionperformed(actionevent event)             {                                     // list not getting updated, when click go , select signal.                     string[] inputsignallist = new string[] {};                     for(int j = 0; j < listinputreal.size(); j++) {                         inputsignallist[j] = listinputreal.tostring();                     }                     system.out.println(arrays.tostring(inputsignallist));             }         });                      string str = "qwerty1qwerty2";                           str = str.replaceall("[^0-9]+", " ");                      inoutlist.settext("output");              }         });         //the first jpanel contains jlabel , jcombobox         combopanel = new jpanel();         selsignal = new jlabel("select number of signals: ");         numofsignals = new jcombobox(numsignals);         handlelabel = new jlabel("type handle name: ");         handle = new jtextfield(20);          //create second jpanel. add jlabel , jlist ,         //make use jpanel not visible.         final jpanel listpanel = new jpanel();         listpanel.setvisible(false);         jlabel listlbl = new jlabel("generated code:");         jtextarea vegs = new jtextarea(5, 30);         vegs.seteditable(false);         vegs.setlinewrap(true);          listpanel.add(listlbl);         jscrollpane scrollingarea = new jscrollpane(vegs);         listpanel.add(scrollingarea,;          // adding new combopanelnew, select, scan, textarea , clock, reset comboboxes existing combopanel.         combopanel.add(combopanelnew);         combopanel.add(selectbutton);         combopanel.add(scanbutton);         combopanel.add(showpanel);         combopanel.add(showpanelnew);          // adding selsignal label, numofsignals combobox, handlelabel , handle textfield combopanel.         combopanel.add(selsignal);         combopanel.add(numofsignals);         combopanel.add(handlelabel);         combopanel.add(handle);          // adding scrollpane combopanel or guiframe.         jscrollpane scrollpane = new jscrollpane(combopanel);         scrollpane.setpreferredsize(new dimension(pref_w, pref_h));          combopanel.setlayout(new boxlayout(combopanel, boxlayout.y_axis));          jbutton startbutton = new jbutton( "start");          //the actionlistener class used handle         //event happens when user clicks button.         //as there not lot needs happen can          //define anonymous inner class make code simpler.         startbutton.addactionlistener(new actionlistener()         {             @override             public void actionperformed(actionevent event)             {                //when fruit of veg button pressed                //the setvisible value of listpanel ,                //combopanel switched true                 //value or vice versa.                count++;                // when user clicks go button, refreshes new except fileread , clock, reset options.                if(count %2 == 0) {                    startbutton.settext("start");                }                else {                    startbutton.settext("go back");                }                }             });         //the jframe uses borderlayout layout manager.         //put 2 jpanels , jbutton in different areas.          guiframe.add(scrollpane, borderlayout.north);         guiframe.add(listpanel,;         guiframe.add(startbutton,borderlayout.south);          //make sure jframe visible         guiframe.setvisible(true);     } } 


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