Excel - Compare arrays and specify which columns to compare until the first column is blank -
i looking compare 2 arrays in same sheet row row, specify column in array 1 should compared column in array 2 , until value column blank. example array 1 a:e , array 2 g:l , compare column b values in column g , column compared values in column l.
what best way , how can stop when value blank row i'm comparing in column when i'm comparing columns b , g?
at moment looks need loop through each column in turn mean 5 separate loops below.
sub comparesheets(shtbefore string) dim mycell range dim mydiffs integer each mycell in activeworkbook.worksheets(shtbefore).range("l:l") if not mycell.value = activeworkbook.worksheets(shtbefore).range("a:a").cells(mycell.row, mycell.column).value mydiffs = mydiffs + 1 end if next each mycell in activeworkbook.worksheets(shtbefore).range("g:g") if not mycell.value = activeworkbook.worksheets(shtbefore).range("b:b").cells(mycell.row, mycell.column).value mydiffs = mydiffs + 1 end if next 'repeated 3 more times..... end sub
how this:
sub comparesheets(shtbefore string) dim strarray variant dim mydiffs integer dim lnglastrow long dim mycell range each strarray in array("l/a", "g/b") activeworkbook.worksheets(shtbefore) lnglastrow = .cells(.rows.count, split(strarray, "/")(0)).end(xlup).row each mycell in .range(split(strarray, "/")(0) & "1:" & split(strarray, "/")(0) & lnglastrow) if not mycell.value = .range(split(strarray, "/")(1) & mycell.row).value mydiffs = mydiffs + 1 end if next end next strarray end sub
obviously, can extend upon array include additional columns compare 1 another. l/a stands for: compare column l column a, column l (the first column) dictates how many rows compared (until there no more in column l though there still might more in column a).
note, optimize code using .value2
instead of .value
if that's option.
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