angularjs - Issue with Foundation off-canvas when using it with rails -

i'm writing web-app using rails 4 + foundation 5 , angularjs, goal here create off-canvas sidebar when load second ui-view(got index , main), thing off-canvas never worked when come index view work when reload page(f5): works fine whatever put on href or ui-sref here's code

	.config([  		"$stateprovider",  		"$urlrouterprovider",  		function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider){  			$stateprovider  				.state('index', {  					url: '/index',  					templateurl: '/index.html',  					controller: 'indexctrl'  					})  				.state('mainpage', {  					url: '/main',  					templateurl: '/main.html',  					controller: 'mainctrl'  				})  			$urlrouterprovider.otherwise('index')  		}])
<!doctype html>  <html lang="en">    <head>      <meta charset="utf-8" />      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />        <title>a title</title>        <%= stylesheet_link_tag    "application" %>      <%= javascript_include_tag "vendor/modernizr" %>      <%= javascript_include_tag "application", 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>      <%= csrf_meta_tags %>    </head>      <body ng-app="ubcimanager">      <ui-view></ui-view>      <script type="text/ng-template" id="/index.html">        <div class="row" id="contentwrapper">          <div class="small-12 columns">            <div class="large-12 columns show-for-large-only">              <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />            </div>            <div >              <div class='row'>                <div class="small-12 small-centred columns" id="page-header">                  <h3>very long , boring title</h3>                </div>              </div>              <div class="row">                <div class="small-12 small-centred columns" id='viewwrapper'>                  <form ng-submit="connect()">                    <div class="row">                      <div class="small-12 columns" >                        <br />                        <p>to informations device on network, please make sure snmp activted , configured before filling form.</p>                      </div>                    </div>                    <div class="row">                      <div class="large-4 columns"  >                        <label>                          adresse                          <input type="text"                                   placeholder="adresse ip"                                  ng-model="hwaddr" />                        </label>                      </div>                      <div class="large-4 columns" >                        <label>                          community                          <input type="text"                                  placeholder="community"                                  ng-model="community" />                        </label>                      </div>                      <div class="large-4 columns">                          <label>                              password                        <div class="row collapse">                            <div class="small-10 large-9 columns">                              <input type="password"                                      ng-model="password" />                            </div>                          <div class="small-2 large-3 columns">                            <input type="submit" value="go" class="button postfix"></input>                          </div>                          </label>                        </div>                      </div>                    </div>                    <!--<small class="error" id="errormsg">invalid entry</small> -->                  </from>                </div>              </div>            </div>          </div>        </div>      </script>      <script type="text/ng-template" id="/main.html">          <div id="mainwrapper">            <nav class="top-bar foundation-bar" data-topbar="">              <ul class="title-area">                <li class="name">                  <span class="has-tip" data-tooltop="">                    <h1>{{devicetype}}</h1>                  </span>                </li>              </ul>              <section class="top-bar-section">                <ul class="right">                    <li><a target="_blank">log out</a></li>                </ul>              </section>            </nav>            <div class="off-canvas-wrap" data-offcanvas>              <div class="inner-wrap">                  <a class="left-off-canvas-toggle"                             >menu</a>                  <!-- off canvas menu -->                <nav class="left-off-canvas-menu">                  <ul class="off-canvas-list">                    <li><label>foundation</label></li>                    <li><a href="#">the psychohistorians</a></li>                    <li><a href="#">the encyclopedists</a></li>                    <li><a href="#">the mayors</a></li>                    <li><a href="#">the traders</a></li>                    <li><a href="#">the merchant princes</a></li>                  </ul>                </nav>                  <!-- main content goes here -->                <div class="maincontent">                 <p>set in year 0 f.e. ("foundation era"), psychohistorians opens on trantor, capital of 12,000-year-old galactic empire. though empire appears stable , powerful, decaying in ways parallel decline of western roman empire. hari seldon, mathematician , psychologist, has developed psychohistory, new field of science , psychology equates possibilities in large societies mathematics, allowing prediction of future events.</p>                 </div>              <!-- close off-canvas menu -->              <a class="exit-off-canvas"></a>                </div>            </div>          </div>      </script>    </body>  </html>

i solved issue using scope functions , force off-canvas events within, functions called via angular ng-click option in html , events documented in foundation 5 @ end of off-canvas page(i missed them first time...)


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