solr - stored field not retrieved solrcloud -

i getting issue solrcloud stored field not reflecting in search able result

see example below:

http://solr:port/solr/cloud1_shard1_replica1/select?q=ucid%3addfdf4&fl=ucid&wt=json&indent=true {   "responseheader":{     "status":0,     "qtime":1157,     "params":{       "q":"ucid:ddfdf4",       "indent":"true",       "fl":"ucid",       "wt":"json"}},   "response":{"numfound":1,"start":0,"maxscore":13.710121,"docs":[       {         "ucid":"ddfdf4"}]   }, 

but when add ti in fl there no documents found

http://solr:port/solr/cloud1_shard1_replica1/select?q=ucid%3addfdf4&fl=ucid,ti&wt=json&indent=true     {       "responseheader":{         "status":0,         "qtime":1727,         "params":{           "q":"ucid:ddfdf4",           "indent":"true",           "fl":"ucid,ti",           "wt":"json"}},       "response":{"numfound":0,"start":0,"maxscore":13.710121,"docs":[]       },       "highlighting":{},       "spellcheck":{         "suggestions":[]}} 

can 1 explain behaviour of solrcloud


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