c# - Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools 2015 - DNX and DNVM -

i have doubt regarding microsoft asp.net , web tools 2015 , installations of dnx , dnvm. point following: on official asp.net github there outlined procedure installing dnvm , dnx. install dnvm 1 runs following command on cmd:

@powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy unrestricted -command "&{$branch='dev';$wc=new-object system.net.webclient;$wc.proxy=[system.net.webrequest]::defaultwebproxy;$wc.proxy.credentials=[system.net.credentialcache]::defaultnetworkcredentials;invoke-expression ($wc.downloadstring('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aspnet/home/dev/dnvminstall.ps1'))}" 

as said on page

this download dnvm script , put in user profile. can check location of dnvm running following in cmd prompt:

the dnvm installed on user profile on folder .dnx\bin. when using dnvm download dnx, gets installed on .dnx\runtimes dnu.

i followed procedure , installed dnvm before installing visual studio 2015 , i've installed visual studio 2015 , microsoft asp.net , web tools 2015. now, when installing latter, folder microsoft web tools created on program files containing dnx folder , dnu folder.

in case, visual studio keeps own folders of runtimes? won't use ones got on user profile? found quite strange have duplication. also, when installing web tools, there 1 instruction install .net version manager, yet installation of dnvm on program files.

this duplication confused me. way things work? doesn't have problem? there way have in 1 place only?

if install dnvm using msi (or through vs), dnvm ends in program files. if run scripts on home repo, ends in user profile.

the dnvm used based on how os resolves paths (since both folders added path). usually, 1 in user profile takes precedence.


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