fortran - Variable 2D Array delivered to a variable number of nodes -
i have face situation:
given n number of mpi nodes , given 2d real array of [n_rows,n_cols] dimension
i have partition in order speed calculus, giving each node subsection of 2d array , taking advantage of number of nodes.
following fortran way store data in memory, arrays indexed using rapidly changing variable first, every [:,i]-column of array "logically" separated others.
i have looked around illuminating questions 1 sending 2d arrays in fortran mpi_gather
and have reached idea of using mpi_scatterv
, mpi_gatherv
, i'm stuck against fact that, since in problem constraints, there no possibility guarantee each mpi node given same amount of data, or, in pseudo code:
#number_of_mpi_nodes != n_rows*n_cols
i looking use vectors, since each "column" has own "independent" series of data, when "independent" mean have manipulation on data belonging same column, without affecting other columns.
obviously, since inequality given, mpi nodes have different number of "columns" analyze.
after doing math, need gather data, using mpi_gatherv
i update question working example in few hours!
thanks lot !
program main use mpi implicit none integer:: n_cols=100, n_rows=200 integer:: i, j integer:: id_mpi, com_mpi, error_mpi integer:: master = 0, size_mpi=0 integer:: to_each_cpu=0, to_each_cpu_oddment=0 integer:: sub_matrix_size=0 integer:: nans=0, infs=0, array_split =0, my_type=0 integer ,dimension(:), allocatable :: elem_to_each_cpu integer ,dimension(:), allocatable :: displacements integer,parameter:: seed = 12345 character*160:: message real :: tot_sum = 0.0 real ,dimension(:,:), allocatable:: data_matrix real ,dimension(:,:), allocatable:: sub_split_data_matrix call srand(seed) call mpi_init(error_mpi) com_mpi = mpi_comm_world call mpi_comm_rank(com_mpi,id_mpi,error_mpi) call mpi_comm_size(com_mpi,size_mpi,error_mpi) !! allocation data_matrix = 1; j = 1 if (id_mpi .eq. master) = n_rows; j = n_cols end if allocate(data_matrix(i, j)) j = 1, n_cols = 1, n_rows data_matrix(i, j) = rand() tot_sum = tot_sum + data_matrix(i, j) enddo enddo write(message,*) "n_cols:",n_cols, "n_rows:", n_rows, " total_sum:", tot_sum write(*,*) message !! since there no restrictions on mpi number or cpus or !! size or data_matrix need to_each_cpu =n_cols / size_mpi to_each_cpu_oddment = n_cols -( to_each_cpu * size_mpi ) allocate(elem_to_each_cpu(size_mpi)) elem_to_each_cpu = to_each_cpu allocate(displacements(size_mpi)) displacements = 0 !! choose split data in way if (id_mpi .eq. master) write(message,*) "n_cols:",n_cols, "mpisize:", size_mpi, "to_each_cpu\oddment:", to_each_cpu, " \ ", to_each_cpu_oddment write(*,*) message j=1 = 1 , to_each_cpu_oddment elem_to_each_cpu(j) = elem_to_each_cpu(j) + 1 j = j + 1 if(j .gt. size_mpi) j = 1 enddo j = 2, size_mpi displacements(j) = elem_to_each_cpu(j-1) + displacements(j-1) enddo = 1 , size_mpi write(message,*)i, " to_each_cpu:", & elem_to_each_cpu(i), " sub_split_buff_displ:",displacements(i), "=",elem_to_each_cpu(i)+displacements(i) write(*,*) message enddo end if call mpi_bcast(elem_to_each_cpu, size_mpi, mpi_int, 0, com_mpi, error_mpi) call mpi_bcast(displacements, size_mpi, mpi_int, 0, com_mpi, error_mpi) allocate( sub_split_data_matrix(n_rows,elem_to_each_cpu(id_mpi+1)) ) call mpi_type_vector(n_cols,n_rows,n_rows,mpi_float,my_type,error_mpi) call mpi_type_commit(my_type, error_mpi) sub_split_data_matrix=0 sub_matrix_size = n_rows*elem_to_each_cpu(id_mpi+1) call mpi_scatterv( data_matrix,elem_to_each_cpu,displacements,& mpi_float, sub_split_data_matrix, sub_matrix_size ,mpi_float, & 0, com_mpi, error_mpi) !!! doing math on scattered matrix call mpi_gatherv(& sub_split_data_matrix, sub_matrix_size,mpi_float ,& data_matrix, elem_to_each_cpu, displacements, & mpi_float, 0, com_mpi, error_mpi) !!! doing math on gathered matrix tot_sum = 0.0 j = 1, n_cols = 1, n_rows tot_sum = tot_sum + data_matrix(i, j) enddo enddo write(message,*) "n_cols:",n_cols, "n_rows:", n_rows, " total_sum:", tot_sum write(*,*) message deallocate(data_matrix) if (id_mpi .eq. master) deallocate(elem_to_each_cpu ) deallocate(displacements ) endif deallocate(sub_split_data_matrix) end
error occurred in mpi_gahterv on communicator mpi_comm_world
invalid memory reference
can me find error ? or better, can me in showing if approach used appropriate ?
thanks lot!
i had @ code , did changes fix it:
- unimportant: few stylistic / cosmetic elements here , there (from standpoint , arguable) improve readability. sorry if don't it.
- there no need process 0 1 computing lengths , displacements
calls. processes should compute them since have necessary data so. moreover, spares 2mpi_bcast()
good. - the lengths strangely computed. suspect wrong i'm not sure since convoluted rewrote it.
- the main issue mix-up between vector type , scalar type: lengths , displacements computed vector type, calling
scalar type. moreover, fortran, scalar typempi_real
, notmpi_float
. in code posted here-below, computed lengths , displacementsmpi_real
, if prefer, can divide themn_rows
, use result ofmpi_type_contiguous( n_rows, mpi_real, my_type )
instead ofmpi_real
in scatter/gather, , same result.
here modified code:
program main use mpi implicit none integer, parameter :: n_cols=100, n_rows=200, master=0 integer :: i, j integer :: id_mpi,size_mpi, com_mpi, error_mpi, my_type integer :: to_each_cpu, to_each_cpu_oddment, sub_matrix_size integer, allocatable :: elem_to_each_cpu(:), displacements(:) real :: tot_sum = 0.0 real, allocatable :: data_matrix(:,:), sub_split_data_matrix(:,:) call mpi_init( error_mpi ) com_mpi = mpi_comm_world call mpi_comm_rank( com_mpi, id_mpi, error_mpi ) call mpi_comm_size( com_mpi, size_mpi, error_mpi ) !! allocation data_matrix if ( id_mpi == master ) allocate( data_matrix( n_rows, n_cols ) ) call random_number( data_matrix ) j = 1, n_cols = 1, n_rows tot_sum = tot_sum + data_matrix(i, j) enddo enddo print *, "n_cols:", n_cols, "n_rows:", n_rows, " total_sum:", tot_sum end if !! since there no restrictions on mpi number or cpus or !! size or data_matrix need to_each_cpu = n_cols / size_mpi to_each_cpu_oddment = n_cols - ( to_each_cpu * size_mpi ) allocate( elem_to_each_cpu(size_mpi) ) elem_to_each_cpu = to_each_cpu * n_rows allocate( displacements(size_mpi) ) displacements = 0 !! choose split data in way if ( id_mpi == master ) print *, "n_cols:", n_cols, "mpisize:", size_mpi, "to_each_cpu\oddment:", to_each_cpu, " \ ", to_each_cpu_oddment end if = 1, to_each_cpu_oddment elem_to_each_cpu(i) = elem_to_each_cpu(i) + n_rows enddo = 1, size_mpi-1 displacements(i+1) = displacements(i) + elem_to_each_cpu(i) enddo if ( id_mpi == master ) = 1, size_mpi print *, i, " to_each_cpu:", & elem_to_each_cpu(i), " sub_split_buff_displ:", displacements(i), & "=", elem_to_each_cpu(i) + displacements(i) enddo end if allocate( sub_split_data_matrix(n_rows, elem_to_each_cpu(id_mpi+1)/n_rows) ) sub_split_data_matrix = 0 sub_matrix_size = elem_to_each_cpu(id_mpi+1) call mpi_scatterv( data_matrix, elem_to_each_cpu ,displacements, mpi_real, & sub_split_data_matrix, sub_matrix_size, mpi_real, & master, com_mpi, error_mpi ) !!! doing math on scattered matrix call mpi_gatherv( sub_split_data_matrix, sub_matrix_size, mpi_real, & data_matrix, elem_to_each_cpu, displacements, mpi_real, & master, com_mpi, error_mpi ) !!! doing math on gathered matrix if ( id_mpi == master ) tot_sum = 0.0 j = 1, n_cols = 1, n_rows tot_sum = tot_sum + data_matrix(i, j) enddo enddo print *, "n_cols:", n_cols, "n_rows:", n_rows, " total_sum:", tot_sum deallocate( data_matrix ) endif deallocate( elem_to_each_cpu ) deallocate( displacements ) deallocate( sub_split_data_matrix ) end program main
with these modifications, code works expected:
$ mpif90 scat_gath2.f90 $ mpirun -n 3 ./a.out n_cols: 100 n_rows: 200 total_sum: 10004.4443 n_cols: 100 mpisize: 3 to_each_cpu\oddment: 33 \ 1 1 to_each_cpu: 6800 sub_split_buff_displ: 0 = 6800 2 to_each_cpu: 6600 sub_split_buff_displ: 6800 = 13400 3 to_each_cpu: 6600 sub_split_buff_displ: 13400 = 20000 n_cols: 100 n_rows: 200 total_sum: 10004.4443
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