android - How to find sum of field in a table using ORMlite -


 public class householdincome implements serializable {  private static final long serialversionuid = 1299751771198967848l;  @databasefield(generatedid = true) private int id;  @databasefield private string incomecategory;    @databasefield(columnname = "date", datatype =  datatype.date_string,format = "mm-dd-yyyy") private date date;  @databasefield private int content;  @databasefield private float sum;    @databasefield(foreign = true,foreignautorefresh = true, canbenull =   false,         index = true) private category category;   public householdincome() {  }   public int getid() {     return id; }  public void setid(int id) { = id; }     public int getcontent() {     return content; }  public void setcontent(int content) {     this.content = content; }  public float getsum() {     return sum; }  public void setsum(float sum) {     this.sum = sum; }   public string getincomecategory() {     return incomecategory; }  public void setincomecategory(string incomecategory) {     this.incomecategory = incomecategory; }  public category getcategory() {     return category; }  public void setcategory(category category) {     this.category = category; }   public date getdate() {     return date; }  public void setdate(date date) { = date; } 


database manager

  public  list<householdincome>getallhouseholdincome(date from,date  to) {            list<householdincome> householdincomes = new          arraylist<householdincome>();         try {             dao<householdincome, string> dahouseholdincom =   dbhelper.getdaohouseholdincome();       final dateformat df = new simpledateformat("mm-dd-yyyy");     genericrawresults<householdincome> rowresults=      dahouseholdincom.queryraw("select date,sum(sum) householdincome     date between '01-01-2015' , '12-31-2015' group date",                     new rawrowmapper<householdincome>() {                         @override      public householdincome maprow(string[] columnnames, string[]       resultcolumns) {                             return new      householdincome(df.parse(resultcolumns[0]),     float.parsefloat(resultcolumns[1]));                         }                     });              rowresults.close();          } catch (sqlexception e) {             logger.get().e(greenagriapp.getinstance(),       e.getmessage());             e.printstacktrace();         }         return householdincomes;     } 

the query returning empty result though while running manually in sqlite database browser returns results.

on debugging value size = 0 result shown.

could 1 please let me know have gone wrong ?

it might because u using condition , group on same column 'date'. try removing group clause first.


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