event handling - Issue with removing\adding items from JavaFX TableColumn's combo box CellFactory -

i have javafx tablecolumn. column has comboboxtablecell populated observablelist pass it.

i have "active" list , "deactive" list combobox. after selection made, wish remove selected item active, "real", list (and add deactivated items list).

after selection has been made, celleditevent being fired , sets row object selected 1 (from combobox). thing is, when remove select item list, in event handler, celleditevent event handler got fired again - time wrong "new value"!

of course behavior breaks flow logic completely.

any ideas how solve situation? thank you

an sscce of situation:

package tableviewexample;  import javafx.application.application; import javafx.beans.binding.bindings; import javafx.beans.property.*; import javafx.beans.value.observablevalue; import javafx.collections.*; import javafx.event.*; import javafx.scene.scene; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.control.cell.*; import javafx.scene.layout.stackpane; import javafx.stage.stage; import javafx.util.callback; import javafx.util.stringconverter;  public class tableviewexample extends application {      @override     public void start(stage primarystage) {         tableview<mappingitem> table = new tableview<>();          // first column         tablecolumn<mappingitem, string> cola = new tablecolumn<>("excel column");                  cola.setcellvaluefactory(new callback<tablecolumn.celldatafeatures<mappingitem, string>, observablevalue<string>> () {             @override             public observablevalue<string> call(tablecolumn.celldatafeatures<mappingitem, string> param) {                 return new readonlyobjectwrapper(param.getvalue().getexcelcolumnname());             }                     });             //second column         tablecolumn<mappingitem, goldplusfield> colb = new tablecolumn<>("database field column");         colb.setcellvaluefactory(new callback<tablecolumn.celldatafeatures<mappingitem, goldplusfield>, observablevalue<goldplusfield>> () {             @override             public observablevalue<goldplusfield> call(tablecolumn.celldatafeatures<mappingitem, goldplusfield> param) {                 return new readonlyobjectwrapper(param.getvalue().getgpfield());             }                     });          goldplusfield gp1 = new goldplusfield("t1", "fname", "first name");         goldplusfield gp2 = new goldplusfield("t1", "phn", "phone");         goldplusfield gp3 = new goldplusfield("t2", "lname", "last name");         goldplusfield gp4 = new goldplusfield("t2", "adrs", "address");                  observablelist<goldplusfield> deactivefieldslist = fxcollections.observablearraylist();         observablelist<goldplusfield> activefieldslist = fxcollections.observablearraylist(gp1, gp2, gp3, gp4);         colb.setcellfactory(comboboxtablecell.fortablecolumn(new fieldtostringconvertor(), activefieldslist));            colb.setoneditcommit(             new eventhandler<tablecolumn.celleditevent<mappingitem, goldplusfield>>() {                 @override                 public void handle(tablecolumn.celleditevent<mappingitem, goldplusfield> t) {                     if (t.getnewvalue() != null) {                          deactivefieldslist.add(t.getnewvalue());                          ((mappingitem) t.gettableview().getitems().get(                         t.gettableposition().getrow())                         ).setgpfield(t.getnewvalue());                          // ******************************************************************************************** //                         // creates new instance of eventhandler in "next" item on list.                         // ******************************************************************************************** //                         activefieldslist.remove(t.getnewvalue());                        }                 }             }         );           //third column         tablecolumn<mappingitem, string> colc = new tablecolumn<>("test column");         propertyvaluefactory<mappingitem, string> namefac = new propertyvaluefactory<>("name");         colc.setcellvaluefactory(namefac);         colc.setcellfactory(textfieldtablecell.fortablecolumn());                  table.seteditable(true);         table.getcolumns().addall(cola, colb, colc);          goldplusfield gp5 = new goldplusfield("t1", "other", "other");         mappingitem mi1 = new mappingitem("name", gp5);         mi1.excelcolumnname.set("name1");         mappingitem mi2 = new mappingitem("phone", gp5);         mi2.excelcolumnname.set("nam2");         observablelist<mappingitem> milist = fxcollections.observablearraylist(mi1, mi2);          table.setitems(milist);          stackpane root = new stackpane();         root.getchildren().add(table);          scene scene = new scene(root, 300, 250);          primarystage.settitle("hello world!");         primarystage.setscene(scene);         primarystage.show();     }      /**      * @param args command line arguments      */     public static void main(string[] args) {         launch(args);     }      class fieldtostringconvertor extends stringconverter<goldplusfield> {          @override         public string tostring(goldplusfield object) {              if (object != null)                 return object.getgpname();             else                 return "";         }          @override         public goldplusfield fromstring(string string) {             throw new unsupportedoperationexception("not supported yet."); //to change body of generated methods, choose tools | templates.         }             }      public class mappingitem {         private stringproperty excelcolumnname = new simplestringproperty(this, "excelcolumnname");         private objectproperty<goldplusfield> gpfield = new simpleobjectproperty<goldplusfield>(this, "gpfield");          public string getexcelcolumnname() { return excelcolumnname.get(); }          public void setexcelcolumnname(string excelcolumnname) { this.excelcolumnname.set(excelcolumnname); }          public stringproperty excelcolumnnameproperty() { return excelcolumnname;        }          public goldplusfield getgpfield() { return gpfield.get(); }          public void setgpfield(goldplusfield gpfield) { this.gpfield.set(gpfield); }          public objectproperty gpfieldproperty() { return this.gpfield;        }          public mappingitem(string columnname) { this.excelcolumnname.set(columnname); }              public mappingitem(goldplusfield gpfield) { this.gpfield.set(gpfield); }              public mappingitem(string columnname, goldplusfield gpfield) {              this.excelcolumnname.set(columnname);             this.gpfield.set(gpfield);         }              }          public class goldplusfield {         private stringproperty table = new simplestringproperty(this, "table");         private stringproperty dbname = new simplestringproperty(this, "dbname");         private stringproperty gpname = new simplestringproperty(this, "gpname");          public string getdbname() { return dbname.get(); }          public string getgpname() { return gpname.get(); }          public string gettable() { return table.get(); }          public void setdbname(string dbname) { this.dbname.set(dbname); }          public void setgpname(string gpname) { this.gpname.set(gpname); }          public void settable(string table) { this.table.set(table); }          public stringproperty tableproperty() { return this.table;        }          public stringproperty gpnameproperty() { return this.gpname;        }              public stringproperty dbnameproperty() { return this.dbname;        }          public goldplusfield(string table, string dbname, string gpname) {              this.dbname.set(dbname);             this.gpname.set(gpname);             this.table.set(table);         }     } } 


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