javascript - high charts - lost animation when pie chart sliced is programmatically set -
as can see basic example, when select pie, selected pie got pulled out animation. , handled option.
pie: { allowpointselect: true }
however, don't want mouse click select point. have, say, button outside of pie chart, when press button, first pie/point should selected.
i have following
$scope.sawchartconfig.series[0].data[0].selected = true; $scope.sawchartconfig.series[0].data[0].sliced = true;
programatically set first point selected when button clicked. works fine, lost animation (where should pull outward).
my questions are:
- how can add animation back?
- series[0].data contains few data points, need reset data[i].sliced false each of them after button clicked. there easy way instead of loop through items?
.controller('spendingpiechartctrl', ['$scope', '$q', 'transactionservice', 'categoryservice','chartcolors', function ($scope, $q, transactionsvc, categorysvc, chartcolors) { if(typeof $scope.height === 'undefined') { $scope.height = 140; } $scope.sawchartconfig = { options: { chart: { plotbackgroundcolor: null, plotborderwidth: null, plotshadow: false, type: 'pie', margin: [0, 0, 0, 0], spacingtop: 0, spacingbottom: 0, spacingleft: 0, spacingright: 0, height: $scope.height }, plotoptions: { pie: { datalabels: { enabled: false }, size: '100%', borderwidth: 0 }, series: { states: { hover: { enabled: false } } } }, title:{ text: null }, tooltip: { enabled: false } }, series: [{ data: [] }] };
$q.all([ transactionsvc.get(), categorysvc.get() ]).then(function() { var spendingcategories = transactionsvc.gettopcategories(); //redraw chart updating series data $scope.sawchartconfig.series = [{data: spendingcategories}]; }); $scope.$on('talktoone', function( event, data ){ $scope.sawchartconfig.series[0].data[index].select(); //$scope.sawchartconfig.series[0].data[index].sliced = true; });
i using ng-hightcharts, , here directive call
select/deselect of slices without loosing animation.
see working example here
by using above code second problem fixed, since next select call automatically deselect other selected slices in chart.
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